chapter 1

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Hi guys :D and yup here is the first chapter based to the darling meme
Hope you like it-
warning typo and bad grammar-!


-??? POV-

"Seems like he is safe..." I said while stalking my senpai with his friends."but he is not safe with him..." I said while looking at one of his friend which is Malay..."I'll make you mine one day...Indo.."

Then I decided to talk a walk to clear my mind,meanwhile that I saw someone looking at a picture. it's Singa. I decided to go behind him quietly and peek on the picture he is looking at. It's a picture of him and the MaPhilIndo trio. He make a cross on the picture to cover the face of Phil and Indo.

"Huh.." I think in my mind. I decided to talk to him so I greeted him "hey Singa." I said. Singa was shock "o-oh hi Neth.." he said. I decided to ask him "is that a picture of you and the MaPhilIndo trio?" "Yeah.." he said.

" don't like seeing Mal with Phil and Indo huh..?" I ask him. He keep quiet. "It's okay...I won't tell anyone.." and then I notice something about him, he's a yandere?

"So..You're a yandere huh..?" I ask. Singa nodded a bit and keep quiet. "I see..." And then I got a idea. "So you want to get your Mal..right?" "yes..." He answered

"so why don't we team up and get our senpai together...?" The question make Singa think "is he a yandere too..?" After a while Singa think he accept to team up with Neth. "Good.. we'll think about the plan later.." I said.

-no one POV-

Neth and Singa decide to walk and talk about their plan. Meanwhile they we're walking they saw someone following Phil.

-Singa POV-

I was walking with Neth and talk about the plan, suddenly we saw someone following Phil from behind. "Look... it's Russia." Neth said "ye...what is he doing?" I ask "dunno.. let's go talk to him." Neth said and then we go closer to Russia. Neth greeted him "hey Russ".

Russia was shock and immediately hide behind a wall so that Phil don't notice he was following him. Russia sigh and said "what is almost make me got caught you cyka.." Russia said "oh nothing,we just saw you were following Phil so we decided to talk to you." Neth said. I keep quiet "tsk..whatever...what do you want anyway.."

"So you're a yandere too huh..?" Neth said. Russia was shock while looking at Neth. "Maybe I am.." Russ said "Then...want to team up with us..?" Neth said while giving Russ his hand. (Idk if that's what it call-)

Russia decided to ask some question " guys are yandere too?" "Yup.." I answer. Russia then think if he should join them. "It's fine if you don't want to join us." Neth said. Russia then shake Neth hand which mean he accept to team up with them.

"Good..we shall think of the plan now.." Neth said

-No one POV-

After a few hours they think for the plan, they decide for Singa to do the plan first tomorrow.

"Alright then...we shall start the plan tomorrow.." Said Neth


Ayee hope you enjoy this chapter!
I know it's short-
But I just write the story just like how the video is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So yea hope you like the first chapter ^^
And sorry if there is any bad grammar or English qwq
596 words-

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