Chapter 27: Shin-ah

Start from the beginning

"That was it?!" She shook her head in bemused relief. He was worried about the well-being of his squirrel of all things. "Now will you go change?"

Calista turned her back as Seiryuu finally caved in, going into the tent to get out of his sopping clothes. Ao darted up to her shoulder and she smiled as the squirrel rubbed her face against her cheek. She joined Yona by the campfire, where Yoon was making miso soup.

"Oh no, Yoon! Bugs are drowning in the pan!!" Yona cried.

"Then save them." He instructed flatly.

Calista chuckled as a shadow fell over Kija's eyes at the mention of bugs.

"How did you figure it out? What was it?" Yona asked eagerly. Calista just gestured to the furry animal sitting on her shoulder and the princess went, "Ohhh, I see."

"I just hope it won't take too long to dry." She voiced in concern. She didn't want him to be cold longer than necessary, it made him more susceptible to ailment. 

Yoon lifted his eyebrow. "Yeah... even so..."

As he trailed off, Calista looked behind her, clapping a hand over her mouth at the sight.

Seiryuu had bundled himself in his fur, with his feet peeking out from underneath him. She walked over, placing his squirrel on top of his head, giggling at the sight. 

He looked like an adorable, fuzzy ball of fluff. 

Calista took a bowl of soup from Yoon, and handed it to the spherical dragon.

Seiryuu took it hesitantly, as if he couldn't believe it was for him, and she squatted down to his level. Calista was unable to see his eyes due to his mask, but she could feel his gaze on her as she smiled brightly and said, "Eat up."

"What kind of demon is that?" Hak questioned and she hissed at him, nearly throwing another one of her knives at him. The sound caught Seiryuu's attention. 

"This group is becoming more and more diverse." Yoon remarked, dishing out the portions for everyone else.

"Do not say that!" Kija wailed to Hak, still under the influence of his raging fever. "It is my fault that Seiryuu has become like that!"

Calista glanced at the blue dragon tentatively taking a spoonful of the food given to him. It didn't seem like he thought it was Kija's fault at all. 

After a few bites, Seiryuu ate enthusiastically, smiling in delight. Calista felt her heart warm at the sight, and Yona lit up at the sight of him enjoying the food, complimenting Yoon for his cooking in the process. The genius pretty boy brushed her off, but the burning of his cheeks told her that he appreciated the princess' words.

Yona jumped up from her seat, catching Hak's attention as she made her way over to Seiryuu and Calista. "Aren't you cold?" She asked the furball. "Do you need my cloak?"

Seiryuu shook his head. His fur was keeping him comfortable. "Th-Thank you...Yona."

They all froze, except for Calista. 

"H-H-H-He addressed the princess so informally..." Kija stammered in disbelief.

"Well, that was quick..." Hak noted, unimpressed.

Yoon stared at him in silence, speechless.

Calista was just glad that he seemed to be eager, even if a little shy, to befriend them. She couldn't remember the last time she had been carefree enough to refer to the princess by her given name.

Yona tapped a finger to her chin in thought. "It's been a while since I've been called by my name." Lavender eyes betrayed the depth of her joy. "I want to call you by name as well." She decided.

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