the month without maruki

Start from the beginning

You packed myself into the train, your back pushed up against the wall of the doors. For the entire ride, you squeezed my eyes shut to lose yourself in your music: all you wanted right now was to block out the world around you. To numb yourself from your despondency, and to forget about your pitiful nature for being so torn up about this. When Yongen was called, you reluctantly reentered reality with an intense craving for Leblanc curry.

The bell chimed upon your entrance; your bag clutched tightly to your side as you softly greeted Boss. Your entire body was tense—did he notice this? You hesitated when he said your name...or, maybe, he just forgot you. He was old, after all.

"Hey. I haven't seen you around. You been alright?" Boss asked you in his usual low tone as he washed dishes.

"More or less. I've been busy with school and work, you know." you answered, attempting to sound cheerful. Pulling out the chair at the edge of the counter, you breathed in the aromatic coffee, instantly feeling more at ease.

The older man eyed you before giving a tight smile. "Glad to hear it. What'll it be, then?"

"The usual." He definitely suspected you of something. "Oh, and some curry today, too. I didn't eat breakfast."

"Got it. Coming right up."

There's no one else here, you concluded after a quick glance behind you, alone again. Your gaze was averted to the painting hung right in next to the door, where it completely captivated your attention. The brush strokes, use of color and the overall tone of the piece: it was beautiful and evocative. You could've sworn you've seen it before, but something seemed different about it. One thing you were sure of, at least, was that it wasn't here before Mondays with Maruki became a thing.

"Hey Boss," you called absentmindedly as he handed you the coffee, "Where did you get this painting? It's stunning."

"Oh, that old thing?" he remarked somewhat smugly while stirring the pot of curry. The blend of spices filled the room, prompting a growl of your stomach. "It was a gift from a friend."

The cup felt hot to the touch. After adding a touch of cream, you let it sit for just a moment to cool down. "You must have some cultured friends." I chuckled.

The coffee itself was earthy, full of body and rich in flavor. Seriously, your customers were missing out on coffee brewed correctly. The hot liquid touched your lips when Boss placed the plate of curry in front of you. It was enough to make you feel right at home. After thanking him, you dug right in while watching a video on your phone. Later, you faintly heard the bell ring after Boss said he'd be grabbing something from upstairs, but you were too engrossed in the dish to look up. That was, until:

"Oh, you're..." the voice sounded vaguely familiar.

Your eyes met his grey ones: it was Kitagawa, from the festival the other day. You pulled the earbuds out of your ears, to which you greeted him with a polite smile and a wave. "Hey. I'm surprised you remembered me." He sat down in the chair next to yours.

"How could I not?!" he immediately said, a smirk on his face, "Thanks to you, I was left with enough money to purchase a riveting Daruma doll! I believe it shall inspire my next painting." The smirk faded; his expression quickly became more strained. "Although, I had to ask Ryuji to pay for my train fare."

You remembered how guilty you felt back then, and hearing his story only made you regret buying only shaved ice for him once more. "I-I see." you started timidly, "It was no problem at all, really."

i couldn't help but fall for you || Takuto Maruki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now