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I had always tried to understand the contradiction in Dad's attitude. Acting hostile one day and being the Messiah another day.

Last year, he was given the award, "Friend of the poor" by the State Government. He empowered jobless youths and poor widows, giving them business capital, wheel barrows,and every equipment they needed to venture into any trade.

A dark-skinned Woman came running into Dad's office one time I went visiting.
She used the leaf-patterned wrapper loosely tied around her waist to clean the tears on her face. "Help me Sir Celestine! My husband hasn't been paid for three months. He is in the hospital as we speak. My children were driven out of school today!" She wailed.
She rolled on the marble-tiled floor shouting, "My family is starving!"

Dad strolled to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Amstel Malt. Handing her the drink and turning off the television set, He pointed at the leather chair opposite the ceramic flower vase in the middle of the room. "Sit down."

I left the office shortly, but minutes later in the waiting room where I sat, She walked out beaming with smiles. She showed me the cheque in the crook of her armpit and told me to 'thank my father'.

On Saturday, Dad was driving me to the Hair salon.
He turned down the volume of the car radio. "Dele returned the money"

I picked a sudden interest in the conversation. "Dele? who is Dele?"

"His wife came to the office last week to ask for money" He briefly looked at me before trailing his eyes back to the road.

My eyes widened in realization and I muttered a small 'oh' before asking why he returned it.

"Eventually, he was paid his salary. He has been promoted too." He paused for a while as he overtook a mini bus and continued. "He came with the exact amount of money and a carton of wine to show appreciation. I didn't expect it from him."

For a while, I didn't know what to reply. "Well, you've got your money back." I shrugged.

He stopped in front of the Hair salon. I waved at one of the hair dressers from the window and looked back at Dad, seeing he was not done yet.

"I didn't accept the money. I told him to keep it. I did collect the drinks though." He saw my shocked face and added, "I didn't give him the money with the hope of getting it back."

"But it's your money"

He smiled. "The joy in their hearts and the tears prevented, these are much more than the money itself."
He bought me a drink from a nearby kiosk and I sipped it,walking towards the jittery hair dresser.

"Stop at that petrol station. The tank needs a refill" Dad said to Ken, pulling me out of my train of thoughts.
Ken kept on driving. I wasn't sure if he heard Dad's words or if he had ignored him on purpose.
Dad tapped Ken's shoulder and pointed at the petrol station on his right, repeating the words he said earlier.

"I heard you the first time" Ken kept his eyes on the road while speaking. "But don't you think it's better bought at Total petrol station at Okpara Avenue? That way, we can beat traffic and get to our destination in time."

I understood what Ken meant. The present traffic congestion was unbearable. Cars behind meticulously followed the cars in front of them even at the slightest move, stopping and starting their ignitions at small intervals. Other drivers in stagnant lanes tried relentlessly, to get into lanes moving at a faster pace than theirs.

"Do what I said" Dad snapped, irritated by Ken's response but Ken did not seem to be in agreement with him.

"This is logic reasoning" Ken said. "The fuel in the tank is enough to take us to Total filling station and our lane is the fastest. Why don't we patiently wait? Instead of cutting our chances?"

Dad laughed ridiculously. "What does a model/fashion designer know about logic reasoning?"

Ken looked at Dad briefly, though he didn't seem surprised by Dad's speech on his career choice. "It's even lesser than logic reasoning. It's common sense."

Dad hit the dash board with his fists. "Do not argue with me!" he shouted, startling Tito who was fast asleep, his head on my laps.

"Well, what you suggested doesn't sound right to me"

"I will not repeat myself" Dad said with finality in his tone.

"But I —"

"Just do it" BB said to Ken shocking everyone. This was the first thing he had said since the beginning of the journey. I had no idea he had been paying attention because he was solely focused on the laptop in front of him.
Ken turned back to face him. He locked eyes with BB and they held a sort of silent, brotherly conversation. I could tell he was still contemplating but he nodded and turned around to face the steering wheel. BB had instantly gone back to typing furiously on his laptop like nothing happened.

When the car on our right moved forward, Ken quickly swerved into the lane before the driver could start his car. The driver and a few other drivers blared their horns continuously, to protest and yelled curses at him in their loud voices.
Ken held his hand up in an attempt to apologize and drove into the petrol station.

After buying the petrol, we still had to join the long queue of drivers on the road.
Ken kept on muttering "I told you so" but Dad was unfazed.

The mood in the car turned sour. I looked out of the window and noticed a woman in a car, trying desperately, to stop her child from crying. She called one of the hawkers running in between moving cars with bowls containing sachet water on their heads.
She bought some sachets, opened one, poured a little on a white handkerchief and began to dab the face and forehead of her child.
Surprisingly, the child turned quiet.

Ken turned on the radio. A blasting hip-hop music echoing from the speakers filled the car and he nodded his head to the lyrics of the song.
Dad stretched his hand and completely turned off the music.
Ken stared at him and turned it on again. This time he reduced the volume till it came out in hushed tunes.
Dad stretched his hand again and turned it off.
Ken looked at Dad and then back at the road, his fists clenching the steering wheel tightly.
I knew he wanted to protest. He always did. But somehow, he decided against it.

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