Realization and regrets

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Tsuna stared blankly


His mind was empty


He should move


But does it matter? after all, he's alo-


Tsuna jolted from his thoughts before grabbing his had in pain.

" The hell Ciel!! What was that for!!!"

" Oh i dont know...Cause you're acting like idiot!!!"

"Hey! having a mental breakdown doesn't make you an idiot!" Tsuna said, mildly offended, but Ciel was having none of his crap

"When its for reason like yours damn right it is!!"

"But they're gone!!!" tsuna cried in anger, but that anger soon changed to sadness

"they're gone......and i'm alone again"

"snap out of it Tsuna! i swear if i had a physical form i'd slap you right now"

"How can you be alone? have you forgotten? you have sho-chan, blondie, Bya-kun, red, blue, Overlord and everyone else! do they mean nothing to you!?!"

"No! that's not true!"

Then there was silence, there was no response from ciel. The longer the silence dragged on the more uneasy tsuna became, now nervous tsuna hesitantly broke the silence.


Only silence answered his call. when he finally worked up the courage to break the silence one more, Ciel finally answered. His voice was soft almost broken, and laden with sadness.

"You have me..."

Tsuna eyes widened

"I was there first..."

His hands began to tremble

"from the beginning i was always there..."

His breathing became quicker

"for every nightmare i was there..."

Tsuna lips began to quiver

"but from the beginning you refused to acknowledge me..."

Tsuna dropped to the floor

" and now..."

He raised his arm to cover his mouth shakily

" Do you really hate me that much?"

And the tears finally began to fall

"no! that's not it, im..i didn't mean that! I'm-"

" The hitman is almost here, and Takeyoshi-sama is on his way, i advise you to get ready tsunayoshi." and silence reigned once more

Tsuna froze, This was the first time Ciel ever called him by his full name. it was always tsuna, or on missions- king, Never Tsunayoshi. And it was all his fault. From the start he only saw Ciel as a reminder of THEM, and even when he named him it wasn't because he finally acknowledged him, no, it was because he didn't want to believe that he was his HI.

Slowly Tsuna stood up and silently went to the bathroom and cleaned away his eyes. This was the first time, he was ever truly alone, and its all his fault.


Kkkkkkrrrrrrrrring!!!!! the sound of the phone echoed through the house and tsuna quickly answered it in hopes of saving his hearing. He took a deep breath before swiftly putting on his mask. All sign of sadness and regret was completely gone, replaced by smiles and happiness.

"Hello~ this is the Sawada residence~"

" It seems like you're quite happy, aren't you, you little shit"

Tsuna hand shook violently, almost dropping the phone, mask breaking, but as quickly as it came it went. Mask once more in place, stronger than before.

"Iemitsu-sama" tsuna answered out respectfully 

"Don't get complacent brat, even if I allow you to go to school you are still trash, dont even think of comparing to Takeyoshi" iemitsu sneered 

"Understood Iemitsu-sama" 

Tsuna stood, smiling softly at the phone, knowing that iemitsu could hear the smile in his voice and smiled triumphantly at the resounding bang that echoed from the other line.

" It seems that you are in need of more teaching, isn't that right Tsunayosh." Iemitsu voice was deep, cold and threatening. 

Now, any person with a sane mind would be running for the hills or trying with all their might not to anger him further. But then again, Vongola wasn't known for their sanity, and being the former boss of a Famiglia filled with complete nut cases, its nearly impossible to come out with yours completely intact. So against all self preserving instinct, our dear tsunayoshi thought that the best thing to do was taunt the pissed of idiot.

"Of course Iemitsu-sama, it would be  an absolute honor to receive your limited teaching"

The CEDEF boss took a deep breath, before slowly speaking again. Even then you could still hear the restrained anger that tinted his voice.

"I hired a home tutor for Takeyoshi, he will be here soon, don't even THINK of trying anything, even if they knew they wouldn't help trash like you, and one more thing, since you love my teaching so much, when i return i will be glad to give you an extended lesson"

The line fell dead and Tsuna could not help but laugh ruefully.

" I am so going to regret this aren't i?" tsuna questioned

But nobody answered

Athurs corner

AKI: caio~ i'm alone today so i'm gonna make this quick. This Chapter is pathetically short but since summer break has started i'll probably be able to update more.......hopefully.

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