Chapter 6. Final

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Our schoolyear slowly came to an end and we still did training. Aizawa decided to team me and Katsuki up for most of the battles because of my healing powers. He could destroy and use his quirk to his liking and I would heal him in the process. Of course we did our separate training so Katsuki wouldn't get used to unlimited stamina and health.

It has been a nice year and I'm glad I got transferred to the hero course. But sadly it had to come to an end. The last week of this school year came around and Aizawa told us we had a dance at the end of the week. His sleepy eyes indicated he had no intention of going and he just wanted to sleep. And so he did, grabbing his yellow sleeping bag he layed in the corner of the classroom. I looked over at Katsuki, not being able to see his face because he was looking the other way. Everyone started talking about who they wanted to take as a date, but Katsuki just ignored me.

After a few minutes I tapped his shoulder and he jumped up, shaking a little. But as soon as he saw it was me, he calmed down. "What is it, glasses?" Even though we're dating, he would still call me names when other people were around. I didn't mind it that much, knowing his ego was just too big for his own good. But sometimes it hurts hearing stupid nicknames from your boyfriend.

I took a deep breath and just asked him. "Wanna be my date to the dance this friday?" His ears perked up as soon as he heard the word 'date'. I chuckled a bit, knowing he wasn't that much of an asshole deep inside. "Ofcourse I want to, why would I be you shitty boyfriend then?" His harsh words sounded like music to my ears as his feet made their way to his desk. My hand found my chin and I started thinking. "Let's get matching suits!" My exitement could be heard from across the classroom. "No f*cking way am I doing that!" He stood up slamming his hands onto his desk. I was a little disappointed at the immediate answer but I still had a trick up my sleeve. "Okay then.." my eyes made their way to the floor as I heard a 'tch' come from Katsuki's direction. Eventually he muttered a "fine" and I gleamed up. "WOOOO THANK YOU" I jumped into the air making everyone turn their eyes in my direction. I could see Kirishima and Kaminari in the corner of my eye as they snickered a bit.

After school ended, I immediately wanted to get my suit for the dance. Sadly there was only one problem, I didn't know what color to choose. Even before I could think much further, "HEY" Mina popped up out of no where and gave me a heart attack. "JESUS CHRIST- Mina? Why are you here?" Quick to calm my nerves I saw Mina smile sweetly in my direction. "Me and some others are going shopping for the dance, want to come with us?" She glanced over my shoulder, seeing her friends stand behind me. "Sure why not, I don't even know what to buy" she quickly took my arm and we took the quickest train to town.


After what seemed like forever, I found the perfect suit. It was a just a plain black one with red details. They didn't stand out that much to the others but to me they were perfect. I immediately tried it on and bought it. By the time I finished it was around 5 p.m. meaning the last train soon left it's station. We raced back to the station and took a train back to UA.

I dropped face first into my pillow once I came through the dorm door. I was extremely drained from all this walking around, that my mind became blank. Completely forgetting Katsuki existed I undressed myself and walked into the bathroom. He was already there brushing his teeth. Paying no intention to me, I started doing the same.

"So, bought a suit huh?" As he spit out the toothpaste, he looked towards me. I nodded my head yes and spit as well. "Yes I certainly did" he walks past me, grabbing the back. I quickly stole it back from him, not wanting him to see. "It's a suprise! The only hint you get is something red, so shoo" I shooed him away and put the bag under my bed. He groaned and said "fine" as he walked towards his bed. Walking behind him, I turned him around and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, Katsuki" I said looking at him. A smile formed on his lips, this was the only time he did smile. "Goodnight, Kiro", kissing forehead and saying goodnights became our ritual. Somehow it became the only romantic thing we did over the last few months. Of course, when we studied we did cuddle. But we never really kissed or went any further than that. Not that I want that so badly, it's just like we're stuck in the same place. But this time of day was my favorite, seeing him smile.

I turned off the lights and turned to my bed. Slowly crawling under my blankets I closed my eyes. Before falling asleep however, Katsuki came and layed down next to me. I turn to face him and hug his torso. Listening to his breathing before drifting off to sleep.


Time really flew by, making it friday. The last couple of days weren't that productive. We started to pack our stuff, Katsuki bought a suit with his friends while I hung out with people from the support course. Of course there was a chance that I would be put back in the support course, which made Katsuki angry. But I decided not to think about it.

As soon as the bell rang, all the students jumped up. Either really happy because they will be free for a couple of weeks or sad because they won't be able to see their friends everyday. Either way, everyone was exited for the dance that night. Even Bakugou cracked a little smile. We quickly walked back to our dorms to eat dinner then change.

It's around 8 p.m. and everyone started to get ready. Mina and the others wanted to do my make up and I just thought 'why not'. They put on some mascara and eye liner with some glitters to match. I looked into the mirror, which Mina put in front of me. "Thanks Mina" I smiled, happy that she did such a good job. She made some happy noises and took some pictures. I couldn't help but smile at the exited girl, 'she looks so happy'.

Eventually everyone was done and we went towards the gym. We were all dolled up and for some reason really confidant. When we entered, the lights and music hit us like an morning train. It was a bit overwhelming at first but we got used to it fast enough. "Hey Mina? I'm gonna go look for Bakugou now" Mina glanced my direction and just chuckled, "go get him lover boy". I glared at her but was taken out of my trance by someone tapping my shoulder.

"Oi Fudomi" a low growl came from behind me and I immediatly knew who it was. "Greetings Katsuki" he looked at me weirdly, I chuckled. I just grabbed his hand and went towards the dancefloor where all the students were gathered. I started moving and told Katsuki to do the same. "You seem happier than usual" he looked at me with a faint smile. I just chuckled, "I guess I am".

Katsuki inched closer and our lips almost touched when we saw a flash. I looked over to my right and saw a laughing duo. "OI WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DIPSHITS" Small explosions erupted from his palms while Sero and Kaminari started running. I sighed and looked at the duo run for their lives. "Are they actually that dumb to anger the devil himself?" I whispered under my breath, trying to keep my cool.


It's been a few hours and the party was coming to a close. I was waiting outside, being too warm from all the sweaty teenagers inside. Looking up at the stars was actually really peaceful. Unfortunatly this silence was interrupted by an angry blonde stomping towards me. "Look who decided to finally show up" I waved while he scoffed. He took his seat beside me and started looking at the stars as well. My head fell onto his shoulder as I started talking.

"Thank you for this year Katsuki, it was really fun" I smiled while closing my eyes. "Of course you had fun! You had me around!" His proud gesture just made me smile even brighter.

"I love you Katsuki"

Ah, it's finally finished. Not that many people read this. I'm greatful for those who decided to stay. Thank you.

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