Chapter 5. Confession

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It's been a few months since Katsuki joined the hero course again. His behavior changed back to his usual angry and violent self. Everything seemed to be back to normal but one thing did change, said his classmates. He was always stuck to me like glue. If I went to the kitchen to make a sandwhich he would stand right behind me, waiting for me to finish. I got used to is over time but I never expected him to act like this.

Most of the students were getting used to it now, whenever they saw me they would find Katsuki not too far away. Eventually it got worse, when we would be in our dorms he wanted to be as close to me as possible. This was because no one could see us, so he would sit behind me as I make my homework. He usually falls asleep and just sits there with his arms around me. I never thought anything of it, maybe it was because of the kidnapping? Maybe he was just scared and looked for some  comfort? This is what I thought and me being a healer and all, I needed to make sure my patient was healing. Psycially and mentally. But the next day Kaminari decided to ask me something.

"Yo Fudomi" when Katsuki left for the toilet, Kaminari waved me over. "What's up?" He told me to come down to his level. "Are you and Bakugou dating or something?" He whispered, making sure no one heard. I sprung up, suprised by the question. "N-no we are not! Why would you think that?" I whiper yelled, hoping no one would notice my sudden outburst. "I mean like, he is always around you and never leaves your side, he wasn't even that close to Kiri" he layed back in his chair. I sighed and wanted to say something but heard Katsuki behind me. "What are you guys talking about" his voice sounding irratated as always. I quickly turned around and waved it off. "O-oh it's nothing! Let's go eat lunch now" I pushed him towards the door, face still red. I've never been good with 'relationships', I would always feel embarassed one way or another. It's just such a pain.

As we walked back from the cafeteria, we encountered Kirishima and Mina in the hallways. Both were really excited for some reason. "Hey Fudomi! Great timing, you and Bakugou need to come with us!" Mina grabbed my arm and dragged me with her, knowing Katsuki would follow. I just sighed and didn't bother to fight against it.

When we arrived in the gym, it was filled with little shops. There were first-years selling things for a good cause. You could do all kinds of things, like running laps or just eat ice cream. It was something we would do every year just for fun.

"Here we are! Ah I remember doing this last year, remember Kiri? We had a cooking booth, eventually everything got burnt though" Mina snickered and Kirishima sweat dropped. She turned towards me and shoved a map in my hands. "Here you go! Just go and explore or something, if you are done you will be free to go back to your dorms" she held up a peace sign before disappreaing in the crowd. I turned and looked towards Katsuki.

"So what do you wanna do?"

We eventually spend all day eating and looking at people running. We shared some small talk and became more aquantienced to each other. Before we knew it, everyone was leaving. The stands were slowly taken down and me and Katsuki were still sitting on a low wall.

"Did you have fun?" I asked and he looked away. "Sure" his reply slower than usual. I stared up at the sky, counting the clouds that formed around the sunset. "Should we go back now? Because everyone is leaving and all" he stood up, dusting off his pants. I nodded and followed him back to our dorm.

It was around 11 p.m. and we were about to go to sleep. Well at least Katsuki was, I still needed to study for the test that was coming tomorrow. I mentally cried to myself and Katsuki came out of the bathroom. "I'm done" he called out sitting down on his bed. I groaned in response, struggling to get my work done. He sighed and layed down, closing his eyes and wanting to sleep. I turned off the lights while leaving the desklight was on. I sat back own and try to study again.

It was around midnight and I could hear Katsuki groaning in his sleep. I turned my head towards him and saw him sweating. He was gripping his chest tightly and kept on turning. I stood up and sat down on the ground next to him. I gently shook him awake and he eventually opened his eyes. "Fudomi-" his eyes closing tightly, his pain increasing.

"How can it be this bad?" I asked myself while looking down at Katsuki's chest. I had turned on the lights and Katsuki had taken off his shirt. "I have no fucking clue, just help me already-" he groaned again. I sighed and layed my hand against his skin. Concentrating I felt Katsuki's hands on my cheeks. He put his forehead against mine and breathed out in relief. I smiled at this, knowing I helped him once again.

I could feel I used my quirk a little too much and felt a slight pinch in my chest. It was nothing special so I let it slide. I stood up again and looked down on him. His torso was exposed, letting me see it in all it's glory. Don't get me wrong, I have seen it a couple of times during changing or healing him. But it was a whole different story when we were alone in our dorms with everyone asleep.

My thoughts got the best of me and I started to blush slightly. "A-are you okay now?" I averted my eyes, not wanting to make eye contact. "Yea thanks" He raised an eye brow but didn't question it. I made my way to the bathroom, splashing water onto my face. 'Get a grip Kiro! Jeez' slapping my cheeks slightly I made my way back to the main room. Katsuki was standing up and walked towards me. I slowly walked backwards, eventually hitting my back against the wall. He put an arm against the wall, not letting me get away.

"Kiro" his voice was firm as his other hand went up to my face. I shivered at him calling me by my first name. 'He never called my by my first name.' He brushed my cheek with his tumb. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked, making me jump slightly. I was taking off guard by his question, but wanted to answer with a question. "Didn't we already have a date this afternoon? But sure, I would love to go on another date with you" I giggled slightly. His eyes lit up and he was smiling like a little kid. "Thank you" his blushed a little and slowly closed the distance between us. "C-can I kiss you?" He stuttered a bit, making him even more cuter. 'He's so cute' I thought. "S-sure" as soon as I replied he pecked my lips. It was short but sweet. But eventually he started kissing me more passionatly.

He removed his hands from my face and picked up legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my back was plastered against the wall. Katsuki went to my neck and left a small hickey. I gasped a bit and he chuckled into my neck. He then started kissing me again. I was hoping this would never end, but unfortunatly it did. A knock on the door interrupted us and Katsuki groaned a bit in annoyance. He put me back down again and kissed my forehead. I slid down the wall, realizing what had just happened.

He opened the door slightly, making sure I wasn't seen. The door revealed an half asleep Midoriya, who yawned a bit as he looked a Katsuki. "Kacchan? Are you and Fudomi alright? I heard noises coming from your room" he asked, his voice sounding raspy. "We're fine fuckin' Deku, now scram" his irratation was more than usual and Midoriya quickly apologized and ran off. Katsuki slammed the door and I had recovered from our little makeout session.

He took my hand and hugged me. "W-what's wrong Katsuki?" He just gripped my tightly and motioned us towards his bed. We eventually layed down and were still in each others arms. His head nuzzled against my chest as his light snores hit my ears. 'I've never seen him so relaxed before, I must have a good influence on him huh?' I chuckled slightly at my thoughts, giving myself too much credit. I kissed the top of his head softly and wrapped my arms around the ash-blonde.

"Goodnight, Katsuki"

Oh jeez louise that went way too fast. But either way, I hope you liked this chapter! The next one will be the last and I will make it a good one, I promise. See you in the next chapter.

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