08. | 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑦

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May searched for Coulson all day, but couldn't find him anywhere. She asked about him almost everyone on the plane, but no one saw him, as if he had disappeared in the air. She also felt that everyone was acting strangely, as if they knew something she didn't know about. She couldn't explain where that feeling was coming from, but she couldn't get rid of it either.

She was walking down the hall so deep in thought that she almost ran into Daisy. The girl smiled widely seeing her. ''Oh, May. I've been just looking for you."

''Have you seen Coulson somewhere around?" the woman asked. ''He must sign some documents Hill had send him."

''No, I don't know where he is," Daisy answered quickly, then grabbed Melinda's arm. ''Come with me."

''Where to?" she was surprised, but the girl didn't answer and began to drag her along the corridor. ''Daisy, what's going on?" But Daisy was still silent. May rolled her eyes and sighed, letting the younger agent lead her. What was happening to everyone today?

They stopped in the living area, which looked different than usual. The light was dim, candles were placed on the table and shelves, red heart-shaped balloons hunging from the ceiling, and rose petals were scattered on the floor. And in the middle of it all was standing Phil, shyly watching her reaction.

Melinda frowned and turned to Daisy, but the girl was no longer behind her. She looked back at Phil. ''What's all of this?" she asked, circling her hand in the air. ''And where have you been all day?"

''I was avoiding you, to make you a suprice," he replied, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world. He walked over to her and handed her the rose he had hidden behind him. ''Happy Valentine's Day, May."

''Oh," Melinda shook her head, not knowing what to say. ''Thank you, but you know that I never celebrate this kind of things."

''Then maybe it's time to change it," he said and took her hands in his. ''Maybe it's time to make some changes in our lives. And I'm not talking just about Valentine's Day."

''What do you mean, Phil?" she asked uncertainly, frowning. He put a hand on her cheek and smiled.

''I think you know perfectly." Holding her hand and looking straight into her eyes all the time, he took a small step back, and then knelt on one knee. He took a small black box out of his jacket pocket. When he opened it, May forgot how to breathe for a moment. ''I'm terrible at speeches, so I won't make it long. And I don't think I need to, because we know each other so well that we can communicate without words. After so many years, after all we've been through together, I know that you are the one. My love for you is the only sure thing in my life and I want it to stay that way. I want us to be happy, I want to make you truly happy because that's what you deserve. Life is not perfect, but it becomes like that when you are with me. I know that the document won't change anything in our feelings, but I want you to be officially mine and me to be yours. I'm sure you're going be afraid and I understand it. I'm scared myself, every day. Scared of loosing you and Daisy, my only family, because fate has never been kind to us and probably there is yet much more to come. But maybe that's why we're here now, together. So what do you say, Melinda May? Will you marry me and spend the rest of your life saving the world with me?"

Melinda was staring at the shimmering ring, once belonging to Julie Coulson, Phil's mother, nearly enchanted. Finally, after a few long moments of silence, she looked at the man who was waiting patiently for her response.

''If you don't agree, I'll do it for you!" They both turned their heads back from where Daisy's voice came from. Only now did they realize that she and the rest of their team were watching them all the time. Daisy was moving her feet impatiently, and Jemma began to sob.

May looked at Phil again and smiled gently, and a single tear ran down her cheek. She nodded slightly. ''Yes," she said softly, afraid that a louder sound would destroy all the magic of the atmosphere. ''Yes, I'll marry you, Phil."

His face lit up with a wide smile as she said the words he was waiting for. He slipped the ring on her finger, then stood up and kissed her, grabbing her face in his hands. They both haven't felt this happy in a long time.

They heard joyful cries of the kids behind them. May's heart skipped a beat at the thought that they would soon become a real family.

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