02. | 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠

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Phil opened the door less than ten seconds after the knock came on.

''Hi, thanks for the invitation. If it wasn't for you and your help, I really don't know how I would pass this exam."

''Hello. Come in," he answered, letting the visitor inside.

Melinda put her bag on the floor at the bathroom entrance and walked to the center of the small room, looking around. Noticing the wall all covered with posters and newspaper clippings about Captain America, she looked at Phil raising her eyebrows.

''What?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.

The girl shook her head in amusement. ''I knew you were nerdy, but not this nerdy. That's a whole new level of being a nerd, Phil."

''Everyone has a hobby," he said and showed her a place by the table where several open history textbooks were already waiting for them.

''Where's your roommate? Shaun, right?"

''Yeah. He went out with his friends somewhere. We've got the whole evening to ourselves," he snapped, too late realizing that it sounded a bit out of place.

Their lessons took over two hours, but they were able to repeat all the material that was required for tomorrow's test. They were supposed to read a few more source texts, but seeing that May was getting bored already and further learning was pointless, Coulson suggested to watch a movie. It was a shy proposal, because he thought that after such a long time the girl probably had enough of his presence. So he was surprised when she agreed, but didn't complain.

The movie wasn't very interesting, or maybe it was, but neither Coulson nor May were focusing on it too much. When the end credits appeared on the screen of the small TV that only miraculously fit in the room, none of them moved from the sofa, not really knowing how to behave. They sat in silence for some time, glancing at each other every now and then.

''So," Melinda cleared her throat, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence. ''I should propably get going."

''You're propably right," Phil answered.

They both got up. Melinda smiled slightly and started toward the exit. As she was passing him, Phil caught her hand and gently forced her to turn to him. She was looking at him with her warm brown eyes as he leaned over her. Their faces came close to each other until their lips met halfway.

The kiss was light and sweet, but they both realized that it had started something between them, that would change their lives forever.

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