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I turned quickly and almost lost my footing, "Alex! What're you doing here?"

"I, uh, actually am here with a submissive. We, ahem, we got together a couple of nights ago. They've just recently switched clubs and I introduced myself. Ah, Payton, this is Annie, Zade, and Quinn. They're bartenders at the Muse Den. Guys, this is Payton,"

Payton smiled a little a waved, "Hi. Nice to meet you,"

Annie's face was glowing and I immediately attached myself to her. Just by the look on Payton's face, I knew that Annie's personality probably wouldn't mix right away. Payton whispered something in Alex's ear before scurrying away.

"Sorry. They're a little shy still. Being in a new place and all,"

Zade stood up and made a questioning face, but before he could ask, Alex held up a hand, "Not my place to say anything. Just know that Payton's pronouns are they and them for future reference at the club,"

We all nodded and Alex looked over me again, "So," he said slowly, "have anything planned for the Pride Party tonight?"

"This was their idea. Not mine. But you think Daniel will like it?"

"If he doesn't, I'd take him to get glasses. Have fun tonight guys. I'd better go find Payton,"

Annie unattached herself from me, "Since when are you and Master Alex on such good terms?"

"None of your business. Now, I'm going to change and then it's lunchtime,"

Annie insisted on paying for the outfit, even though it was insanely expensive, so I paid for lunch and Zade happily let us pay for him. As we were heading out of the restaurant, we ran into Owen and Cale.

"Guys! Guess what?" Owen practically shouted as soon as he saw us and we all shrugged, "I got in! I got into culinary school. I'm going to school in August! And! And, on the way here, Cale got a call and it turns out they don't need my testimony for Xander's case because other people have stepped forward to testify!"

Annie squealed and hugged Owen tightly, "I'm so happy for you. I know how much you wanted to get into culinary school. Oh, but this means we won't see much of you. That's unfortunate,"

"Actually, Cale and I talked and—" Cale cleared his throat and Owen blushed, "Sorry. Listen, we'll talk tonight. Before the specialty shows, okay?"

Cale waved as Owen hugged Annie again and they walked into the restaurant. Annie sighed happily and wrapped an arm around Zade's and my waist, "I'm happy for him. He deserves a bit of good in his life. Damn, I still can't believe that was only a few months ago,"

"I know, but it's all in the past and Owen's been doing well since he started seeing his therapist. I thought for a moment we were going to see a relapse when he told us they wanted his testimony,"

"Relapse?" I asked and they both went silent.

"You didn't hear it from us and Cale doesn't know either. But after the whole situation, Owen called Annie, crying and essentially having a full-blown panic attack. Ryan was the closest and Annie called me and the three of us had to calm him down. It was kind of terrifying. I've seen and heard some crazy shit on the streets, but that scared me to my core. Anyway, when Cale and Owen got back together, Cale got him to a therapist to help him and as far as I know, he doesn't have very many attacks anymore,"

"God, I will never forget that night. I was afraid I was going to have to call an ambulance or something. Sam and I had a hard time falling asleep that night. Owen doesn't like to talk about it at all with anyone. He said his piece to the bartenders, explaining everything and that was that. It's why Cale's so protective of him,"

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