20- Tez

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My first instinct is to want to explode. To kick, hit, and batter the absolute crap out of everything around us in this room. But I can't. I have to keep myself in check. I have to show my girl that despite her devastating news, I'm calm and collected, and I support her wholeheartedly. But inside I'm fucking wilting and dying like the decaying leaves of autumn.

As Paisley reiterates everything that happened between her and Seth, numbness creeps down my spine like an army of ants marching to war. I feel it along my skin descending until I'm frozen to the spot. That bastard has no right to lay a hand on this beautiful creature. No fucking right.

And while I stare deeply into her eyes, reassuring her that I'm not going to retaliate, my stomach fills with lead, my feet set like stone, and my mind goes worryingly empty.

I can't let this lie. What kind of a man does that make me? The visible bruises are what captures people's attention, but it's the soul that's left to bleed which suffers the most damage. I don't want her to suffer any more than she is already.

It's only when I'm alone and Paisley is in the bath that the dark thoughts I've tried to keep at bay all afternoon resurface. I want his blood on my knuckles so badly I can taste it. I want to unleash every ounce of my power and beat him until there is nothing left of him but dust.

I never go looking for a fight, but I don't know anyone who would stand back and allow the one they love to sustain injures like this without some kind of revenge unless they are a defective moron.

I don't sleep all that well. I keep a close eye on Paisley, making sure she's comfortable while I scour the UK phone book directory for Seth's home address. I screenshot his details and those of Fight or Flight. When the morning rolls around, I find every excuse under the sun to drive Bailey back to London so she doesn't have to get the train. Paisley insists that Bailey takes her car because she's going to buy a new one, but I need a reason to be in London and this is possibly the only opportunity I may get.

My prayers are answered when Fitz swings by to see Bailey quickly and he offers to come with me.

Ding. Dong.

"Are you sure you don't want to take my car?" Paisley asks as I slip on my trainers and grab my hoodie.

"No. Mine can do with a run-out to be honest, it hasn't been on a long journey for a while. Are you going to be okay while I'm gone?"

She curls herself into my chest and I shield her with my arms gently placed around her shoulders. "I'll be fine. I'll keep myself busy with one of the many new books I have to read or I have Amazon Prime on my phone, I'll watch a film or something. Besides, you'll be back in around six hours tops won't you?"

I kiss the top of her head. "I sure will. Shall I bring in a curry or something?"

"Call me when you're on your way back, it's a bit early to discuss dinner plans."

Paisley breaks away, staring up at me with emerald eyes that steal my breath away, then she kisses me goodbye. I love everything about it. The way she melts into me. The way our lips fuse together like two puzzle pieces. The way her breath shakes when we part.

"Drive safely."

I half-smile and place a chaste kiss against her cheek. "Lock this door behind me and go back to bed and rest. I'll see you later."

I turn to leave thinking I've gotten away with my slick moves to get to London when she reaches for my arm, preventing me from leaving. "Terence Blackwell, tell me that you're not going to visit Seth today."

Terence? She never calls me by my full name but by god does it give me the feels.

"Hey," I say placing my finger under her chin, "I said I wouldn't, didn't I?"

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