we finished practicing and were currently waiting for our manager and some of the members to get back with food and drinks.

some of the members were leaving the room to change, while the others were dancing for fun.

i went on my phone to check up on my parents and then decided to go clear up the notifications from the dms and comments.

bracing myself, i went and opened instagram and began looking at some comments.

i was confused when all i could see at first were birthday wishes and messages from fans. my confusion then turned into sadness when i scrolled down further and saw the hate comments.

taking the members' words into my mind, i felt better than i did in the morning when i first read the comments. that was until i saw the death threats and way more hurtful comments.

then i got a text message and clicked on it.

hey beautiful:3
you look hot in
that crop top
and sweatpants

why don't you
come out of the
practice room
so i can see you
better up

my hands began to start shaking as memories of my past began to play in my mind.


i know you're reading
this love. don't be shy
and come out. i won't
bite, but i might kill

i'm just kidding. i
wouldn't do that
to someone so so
precious would i?

what the heck?

i looked up to see if it was one of the members playing a prank, but they didn't seem to be noticing my frightened face.

c'mon haeun. baby
come out. you won't
like seeing me mad.

stop. this isn't okay.

"haeun are you okay? you're really pale," hana asked, running over to me.

"and you're shaking like crazy," chanhee added.

i gave the phone to them so they could see the cause of my reactions and their eyes both widened.

"WHAT? how do they know what you're wearing when-"

"i don't know but this isn't funny. do you think it could be the other members?" i cut off, clearly scared.

"no. definitely not. they know you can't handle things like this and they wouldn't joke like this," hana replied.

"chanhee, go get hyunsuk. they're in the practice room across from us."

chanhee left, while hana looked like she was typing something.

bad idea hana. i'd
suggest giving the
phone back to
haeun now. don't
try to be a hero.

"what the fu- freak? how do they-"

"haeun?! oh haeun," hyunsuk came in and hugged me tightly.

"stay calm. we'll get to the bottom of this okay baby sis? you're going to be safe. don't worry," he assured.

"where are your managers?" he asked, clearly angry.

"th-they went out to buy food," i replied.

"fine. i'll go get my manager. i'll be right back," he said, running across the hallway.

within a few seconds later, treasure's manager, hyunsuk, and mashiho came in.

when mashiho stepped in, i wanted to break down for some reason. i stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly.

he didn't hesitate to hug me back, placing one arm around my waist, the other holding my head.

"i'm here. your brother is here. everything is going to be okay, angel. it's okay," he whispered.

i nodded into his chest, not letting go. no one has made me feel so safe the way mashiho does.

"haeun, can you come over here for a second?" the manager asked calmly.

seeing that i didn't budge, they all walked over to mashiho and i instead.

"i know it's scary haeun, but you're going to have to work with me okay?"

i lifted my head and nodded, still not letting go of mashiho. my arms were still wrapped around him while i was answering questions.

"i'll be taking your phone to the police station okay? i'm not sure if they're going to need you, but for now, you're staying at the building okay?" the manager asked.

i nodded.

"why don't you three girls go over to the practice room with the boys where there are staff for now? go over there until i come back or call," he stated.

without waiting for a response, treasure's manager left the room. hyunsuk, hana, chanhee, mashiho, and i headed over to the boy's practice room.

guessing that they saw the frightened state i was in, they didn't ask questions. instead, they all came to rub my back or gave me a sympathetic smile.

mashiho led me to a corner of the room where he let go of me and sat down, patting his legs.
taking the hint, i sat down between his legs and leaned against his body when he wrapped his arms around my waist, intertwining his hands with mine.

ever so often, i would feel mashiho place kisses on the top of my head and caress my hand.

he began humming a soft melody, which made me close my sleepy eyes.

"haeun-ah, i love you," he whispered.

unsure if he could see my reaction, i smiled softly at his words.

instagram||mashihoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें