For the afternoon classes today we had to change into our costume again and we took a bus to a new training ground. Aizawa began to explain as 13 stood by, “This is the USJ where you guys would be training to rescue those in natural disasters, there would be different teams and-”  An enormous dark portal opened in the middle of the training grounds, villains by the hundred became pouring into the USJ, “13 get these kids to safety I’ll handle them,” Aizawa instructed, there was no way he fight every single villain on his own but he went out there anyway. We listened to his instructions but another portal entered in front of us.

Like idiots Bakugo and Kirishima charge at the man creating a portal and we're all separated. Thanks a lot guys. I was teleported in the middle of a sandstorm, and I realized that I was alone here with an enormous amount of villains. I stood there, not like an idiot but I knew my sand quirk could defend me without me lifting a finger. The villains attacked me and as predicted the surrounding sand protected me, I used one move, I used my telekinetic quirk and lifted every single one of them extremely high into the air and slammed them into the ground knocking each of them unconscious.

I wasn't hurt, not a single scratch on me, well that's good. I began to search for any others that might be here but nobody else was here. Why was I by myself and where were the others? I began walking in a random direction aimlessly hoping to find others and I did. I was now in the center where the villains are now.

Mr Aizawa was pinned down getting his head smashed into the ground by this weird creature. A man with light blue hair with a hand on his face must be the leader. He spotted me and pointed right at me, “She’s right there! Nomu grab her, All Might isn’t here so we might as well get our target now,” The thing he called Nomu sprinted towards me at an increased speed, I mean I already knew he wasn’t going to be able to touch me so with a flick of my finger he went flying into the air. I used my telekinesis and forcefully drove him into the ground. But that didn’t stop him. He got back up like it was nothing, not even my sand stopped him from grabbing me by the neck.

“Nomu bring her here, Kurogiri we’re leaving,” the man said as the other opened another portal. I could use sand burial, hoping this guy doesn’t get back up. I began turning the ground below us into sand but before I got a chance to attack an explosion was heard from behind the nomu.

“DIE YOU BASTARD!!” Baugo was the one yelling at the nomu blasting explosion after explosion but couldn’t get his attention. I tried to gasp for air as the Nomu began gripping my neck much more tighter. I couldn’t breathe, the only thing I could try was stopping him. I created more sand beneath me as I slowly began losing consciousness, I made the sand start pulling down into the ground, I was going to try to bury him hoping he would let go of me but the more he sunk into the ground the tighter he held me around my neck. My vision blurred and all I saw was Midoriya coming straight towards me before I blacked out.

I woke up in Recovery Girls nurses office, I began to sit up but I was hit in the head with something, “Lay back down Y/n your not fully recovered,” an old woman's voice yelled at me, I looked over to see Recovery Girl standing beside my bed, “Sorry,” I mumbled and Recovery Girl only chuckled, “I healed your neck wounds which took a lot of stamina from you, so go on deary and rest for a while, I’ll let you rest until the school day ends.” I simply nodded and laid back down thinking about what my father would do if he found out what happened to me at the USJ. I knew what would happen when I got home but I’d try not to think about it too much.

“Bakugo and Midoriya stopped by to check on you,” Recovery girl stated as she walked to her desk sitting into her chair, “Are they okay, is everyone in class 1A alright?” I asked, turning onto my back looking up at the ceiling, “Oh yes everyone got out fine though Mr Aizawa took some pretty critical hits and so did 13 but they are both at the hospital and perfectly stabilized.” I sighed in relief about to close my eyes and sleep but the door to the room opened and kept me awake.

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