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Hermione's pov
"She told you what?" Ginny screeched.
"I told you, she gave me a warning about Riddle, she told me he is dangerous." I told her and they all glanced at each other.
"Well I guess that could be a good thing?" Harry told me, but he didn't see the severity of the situation.
"Look Potter you don't understand, this isn't a good thing." Draco butted in before I had a chance.
"How? The student body already knows that he isn't good, he can be undermined!" Harry told him, still confused.
"Harry, they know how dangerous he is, they'll be too scared to fight back, too scared to talk back, they'll take his side because he's the most powerful figure in the student body, he's basically their god. He already bested me in dueling, he's proved himself to be the most powerful and fearsome figurehead in school. I guarantee that he'll be after Draco next, since I beat you in dueling, and next he'll find a way to put Ginny in her place." I explained and Harry shifted in his seat.
"I knew that he had already created his first horcrux, but I didn't know that he had the student body under his thumb. I don't think we'll be able to beat him in battle." Draco spoke up and it was my turn to ponder.
"We need a new approach, we can't take him down by pure force, we need to take him down from the inside. Not only do we need to infiltrate his ranks, but we also need the teachers to catch him being bad. If we can tear down his reputation, we might be able to stop him from committing other atrocities, at the very least we might be able to stop his followers. If he had no cult of powerful purebloods, he has no power himself." I told them and they nodded. "On a more pressing matter, how do we find a way into his inner circle?"
"I don't know yet, our pure bloodline helps, but the real problem is convincing him that we agree with his ideals. He believes that we ran from grindelwald, so he thinks that we are against any kind of magical ruling agenda. We're going to need to convince him otherwise." Ginny pondered and we all nodded.
"There's a party tonight in the slytherin common room, since we already know who the death eaters are, let's try and network with them." I told the group and Ginny pouted.
"I'm guessing I'm not invited?" Ginny said, annoyed that she didn't get to spend more time with us.
"Sorry love, but seeing as you are of the rival house, it wouldn't be best if we were super chummy with you at the moment." Harry said and kissed the top of her forehead which prompted her to blush.
"Ugh, can you keep your snogging to a minimum when I'm around?" Draco complained which made Harry scoff.
"Come on Malfoy, it was only a kiss on the head."
"Regardless of what it was, tonight is our chance to make a true impression on the Knights of Walpurgis, we need to make sure that we don't mess this up." I told them and everyone murmured an agreement. We all left the room of requirement and agreed to meet on Sunday as scheduled.
The trek back to the slytherin common was unremarkable and little words were exchanged between Draco, harry, and I. My mind however wandered to the party that would take place tonight. Pretending to be a pure blood was utterly exhausting, the formalities forced me to constantly be aware of how I presented myself, and Riddle kept me on edge with all of his questioning and interrogations. Our story that we had concocted was so far fetched and fantastical that it was believable, but what worried me most was the fact that we were being woven into the time period we had traveled to. Traveling to the future with a time turner was not commonplace as they usually weren't able to bring you back farther than a days time, but the more time we spent here, the more I worried that we wouldn't be able to get back.
hey guys it's your author, but you already know that since you're reading this fic. So I plan on making Tom pretty possessive, so if you don't like that, the. I would stop reading this fic because it'll escalate pretty quickly after this. That being said I have read many stories where there have been more severe forms of sexual assault. I do not feel comfortable writing about rape of any form, or any explicit forms of sexual assault. That being said, there will be some kissing scenes that aren't consensual. So moral of the story: Tom isn't a soft boi in this fic, he is the bad guy, and if that is what you came for: great, if not, then you don't need to follow the fic.

Turning back timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें