Hospital Wing

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Tom's pov


I looked down at the unconscious girl in my arms. Good, but not good enough to beat me. She would have failed far quicker if I hadn't held back the full extent of my power. She was too eager to prove herself; those who seek validation from others are those with no real power. It was pathetic, all that confidence and nothing to show for it.

I supposed even more pathetic were the fools she was able to take down in the dueling class. How could his knights, Amadeus Carrow and Roland Goyle, be so easily taken down by 

I looked down at her sickly form and she gave a sigh and laid her head against my chest as I carried her up to the hospital wing. Why was she here? At first it seemed that she was seeking refuge from her father here at hogwarts, but then she tells the professor that her father didn't want her to take home economics. I'll admit, the class is quite useless, for many wizard of households have house elves, or witches simply pick up spells to do housework. Even though females are the lesser sex, they aren't remotely helpless. Yet even though Grindelwald seemed to portray a sort of modern day suffragette, there was something else entirely that seemed off about her. Something about all of them seemed off. It was almost as though they weren't of this time period. But That train of thought was useless because it was impossible for one to go more than a few days into the past. This was our first real day of school but I knew so much and so little at the same time.
"Madam Pomfrey!" I called out for the matron who was in her mid 20s.
"Dear heavens Tom! What happened to the both of you?!"
"We were dueling and it got out of hand."
"Ah. I suppose you won. Set her here." She said while motioning to a white bed. I laid down the girl and Pomfrey got straight to work. She quickly used her wand to get rid of the the ears, the cuts, and the blood, and then turned to me.
"Oh my, you're hurt too."
"Please madam Pomfrey, 'tis but a flesh wound. Hermione needs more care first." The matron nodded and got a blood replenishing potion from the cabinet.
"Tom could you aid me with helping her drink this?" I nodded at the matron and opened hermione's mouth by squeezing her cheeks together.
"Prop her up a bit and I'll pour it down her throat." I used my other arm to lift hermione's head and the matron poured the potion down the unconscious girls throat.
"Now onto that arm of yours." She said, inspecting my wound.
"It's too deep for me to heal, but there is wiggenweld in the cupboard." I nodded and took a green vile from the cabinet. But as I took the potion I noticed a small clear vile in the back with a water like substance inside. It gave a silver shimmer and my eyes widened. Felix Felicious. Liquid luck. (An: It's a surprise tool that will help us later) I looked back at the school nurse and saw that she was occupied with hermione once more. I quickly pocketed the rare potion and walked back over to the bed.
"Now lay back down and rest."
"But madam Pomfrey, I have arithmancy! It's the first day, I can't get behind." I pleaded to the matron but she stubbornly shook her head and shoved me back onto the bed.
"I will get your homework. You will rest." I nodded. This would be the perfect time to inspect Grindelwalds mind. I watched Pomfrey stride out of the room before I pulled out my wand.
"Legilimens." I said and delved into her mind. Despite her weakened state, she had tabooed certain words in her mind, and I could tell that some were altered. Very curious. I couldn't stay in her mind too long or she would awake. But I skimmed through some with her and the Olivander boy. As I watched I noticed one memory, it was different from the rest. It seemed like it wasn't her own memory, but one that was placed upon her. What was it?
I made the split second decision to explore the new kind of memory.

"Mum?" A younger hermione, around the age of 10, called out to a void while descending the stairs of an uninviting dungeon.
"MUM?" Once more the young girl called out but was never answered. She peaked around the corners in rooms with shackles on the walls.
"Mia." The young girl turned to look at a younger, but equally terrifying Gellert Grindelwald looming over 10 year old hermione.
"Father; where's mum?"
"Would you like to see her?"
"She acted out today, she tried to run from me, to run from us."
"Because she's weak."
"What are you going to do to her?"
"I already gave her 2 warnings."
"What's going to happen?"
"Come and watch." He led his daughter to a disillusioned room that had bloodstains and curse marks plastered on the walls. In the far corner of the room was a trembling woman who tried to inch away from her husband.
"Talia; won't you come say hi to your daughter and husband?" Grindelwald mocked the trembling brunette. The woman looked up, her eyes red and puffy with tears still steaming down her bruised cheeks.
"Mia, no! Please, don't make her watch! DONT MAKE HER WATCH!" The woman, Talia, pleaded to the blonde.
"SHUT UP!" He yelled an slapped the woman back to the floor. Hermione's eyes widened at the brutality that Grindelwald was showing towards her mother; but seeing as she made no move to stop him, she was probably used to seeing torture, and knew she had no say in her mother's fate.
"Father PLEASE! Please let her go!" Hermione begged her father as he started crucioing his wife, who was screaming and spasming on the ground.
"Shut up, or you'll be next!"
"Daddy PLEASE!" But the 10 year olds cries fell on deaf ears as the woman still thrashed around. But after a few more minutes he lifted the curse and turned towards his daughter.
"Grab her wand, and come over here." Hermione, with wide tearful eyes, nodded and obeyed his command.
"Crucio her."
"Go on. Do It." He said more firmly to his trembling daughter.
"It's okay sweetheart, go ahead."
"...crucio..." the young girl trembled as the red light hit her mother. Talia visibly winced and tensed, but wasn't screaming or seizing.
"Do it like you mean it, channel your emotions into it." Grindelwald whispered in a comforting tone into her ear, his hand painfully gripping the young girls shoulder.
"Ah!" The woman cried out in pain as the curse hit her once more.
"Good girl. Now kill her." Hermione's eyes widened into saucers and turned to stare at her father in shock.
"Hermione, love, it's okay, it's okay. I love you, I love you so much baby. I love you more than magic, you are my world love. It's going to be okay, it will be okay sweetheart. I won't feel a thing love."
"Please don't make me!"
"DO IT!"
"CRUCIO!" Hermione screamed as she was tortured by her father.
"SHUT UP YOU STUPID WOMAN!" He shouted and lifted the curse once more.
"Now will you do it?"
"Please don't make me!"
"It's alright sweetheart please do it. Please." The begging tone in the woman's voice seemed to resonate with hermione, and she turned to face her mother.
"Do it. You know the curse."
"I love you so much baby. I'll always be here. I love you."
"I love you too, I'm so sorry...avada kedavra." The older woman slumped over dead, while the other collapsed to the floor, silently sobbing over her first kill.
"Good girl, I knew you had it in you, she was holding you back. She was holding us back." But the words didn't comfort instead the girl only seemed to cry harder, doing her best not to wail.
"Come. I have a present for you upstairs." The little girl looked up at her father and back to her mother's cold lifeless eyes.
"Will she get a funeral? Will she be buried, will she get a grave?" The girl asked her father, tears still flowing.
"It is not good to dwell on such things."
"Will she?"
"Yes darling, if that's what you want." Hermione nodded and picked herself up, and took her fathers outstretched hand. He led her upstairs without looking back on the body.
I popped out of her mind, not knowing what to think. Grindelwald was not as innocent as she let on. To one not accustomed to such violence and malevolence, this would be quite disturbing; but to one as, admittedly unhinged as myself, would find it quite amusing. I wonder what other secrets she possesses. But why was the memory so artificial yet so real? I shook off the thought and walked back over to the potion cabinet. Were there more useful potions, I would find out. I shuffled through multiple labels vials of healing substances before I came across anything interesting. Draught of living death, and veritas serum. Both useful, both brewed by me. Both forbidden to be possessed by a student. I would be getting answers soon enough.

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