Chapter 1: Suicide

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Another day in this damn god for saken middle school and I may murder the teacher. It’s the 2nd to last day of school and I’m stuck with a bunch of these extras. “Well I know you all want to be heroes,” the stupid teacher said throwing papers all over the classrooms. “Tch don’t put me in with these extras, they'd be lucky if they end up as sidekicks, I’ll be the first one from this dump to get into UA without a problem,” I remarked, giving out a smirk. 

That’s right I’ll go there and train to become the number one hero! I’ll be better than everyone in this damn world.

“Oh Izuku you applied for UA as well,” the teacher blurted out and the tension in the room grew darker and I joined in the fun, “There is no way a quirkless loser like you can get into UA without a quirk so do me a favor and take a swan dive off a building. Maybe then you’ll be reborn with a quirk,” I laughed at him as I torched his stupid hero’s notebook.

“Y/n congrats I heard you automatically got in by recommendations.” This made my blood boil with anger.

Ever since I came to this goddamn school the only person standing in my way was her! I don’t even know what her quirk is yet and she sits there reading and writing in her stupid journal. It irritated me even more that I wasn’t the only one with high grades. 

I slammed my hand on her desk, she didn’t flinch one bit at my outburst. I looked at what she had, it was a calendar and the rest of the year after today was ripped off from it. I ignored it and proceeded to get my point across. “Hey you damn nerd, what's the big idea? I'm the only one who's supposed to get out of this crummy school and into UA!”

She didn’t say anything, like she normally does, she was still and silent like nothing phased her. “HEY DON”T IGNORE ME!!!” I yelled and blasted her with one of my explosions. 

S-she didn’t dodge...She just sat there and let me do it...What the hell is wrong with this girl?! She’s irritating the crap out of ME!!

“Tch you're just another extra, why don’t you go with deku and take a swan dive off a roof somewhere.” I growled, she stood up from her seat which stunned me for a bit. She kept her head down. The only thing I could see was a small smile on her face before she quietly walked away. For some reason my heart sank when I saw her weak smile, and a bad intense gut feeling overwhelmed me.

“Tch whatever,” I blew off the stupid feeling about Y/n and grabbed my bag and headed out to get home. Something about this feeling wasn’t right and for some reason it bugged me more than ever. I kept ignoring this shitty feeling and continued to walk home but before that something told me to go to the clocktower in the town.

I climbed up the stairs and made it to the rooftop, I sighed looking at the view then something caught the corner of my eye.

Y/n? What the hell was she doing here? Why is she standing over the edge?!

This alarmed me and the sinking feeling had gotten worse. “Y/n...what a-are you doing?” I barely managed to say, my feet couldn’t move. My body was frozen in place, only able to watch what was going to happen next. 

The wind blew by us really hard, the wind blew away her hair and I could see her looking at me… with that smile. Her eyes, it was the first time I’ve seen them because she always covered her eyes with her hair. Her eyes were filled with the most intense pain i could see and her whole face showed, it was like telling a story. Y/n looked below her, her smile still there as she stared at the far streets below her.

She was gonna….No don’t...Don’t do it...Stop…Please...

“Y/n… don’t do it...stop it...” I can barely get my feet to move as I slowly made my way towards her, tears burned in my eyes as I began reaching out for her to take my hand as my feet barely moved any closer toward her.

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