part 42 new danger beasts

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Chelsea's pov

We are riding on a danger beast to our new base of operations Rebel HQ had sent us new orders. We are to find and destroy the danger Beast that were popping up and causing damage even though in my own opinion I believe that we should leave it to the Jaegers and let them possibly get killed off I was overruled. As we were flying to the new base my mind wandered for a bit until I heard a strange sound that I couldn't exactly describe. I wasn't the only one who heard it though everyone in night raid heard it as well.

Mine- what's that sound?

Leone morphs into a beast form and listens intently to what direction the sound might be coming from.

Leone- it's coming from below us.

Akame could feel something familiar about it.

Akame- it's Anakin

Najenda- are you sure Akame?

Akame- yes it's him

Chelsea tries to feel for Anakin's aura but couldn't feel it. After that fight with Akame, it was strange to think that he would be up and about so quickly. As Chelsea thought to herself she realized the sound was coming faster. And with one sonic boom, they saw a machine moving extremely fast passing them and Rising higher and higher into the air.

Leone- looks like he got some new toys.

Mine- yeah toys he intends to use on us.

Tatsumi's internal thoughts- if he had really wanted to he could have just shot us out of the sky I know he probably sensed us that or something else is on his mind.

Susanoo- let's be grateful he didn't turn around and start firing at us.

Akame- something feels off though I couldn't feel his aura or anything something's changed about him

Susanoo- you're right something has changed whatever connections to this world he had they're gone now he's consumed by his new power and new place.

Chelsea- what do you mean?

Susanoo- I'm certain that some of you have noticed it the stars above us at night no longer are the same anymore the power of this world is fading and the strange power he has seems to be increasing.

Najenda- how long?

Susanoo- 5 to 8 months at the most.

Lubbock- what do you mean 5 to 8 months?

Najenda- 5 to 8 months before our Teigu are powerless.

Tatsumi- what will happen if he finds out he can't bring back Sheele?

Everyone turned to look at Tatsumi

Tatsumi- I'm serious remember the night that Sheele died how he went on his Rampage and killed everybody at that police headquarters. If it turns out she can't come back I think he'll legitimately lose his mind.

Akame thought back to the night that she had seen Anakin cut down strange aliens that was the only thing that she could think of. Anakin lost his wife his child and she had seen the last moments of Anakin's mother's life before she faded. Though her and Chelsea hadn't revealed this to the group it was something that was on her mind.

Mine- I get what you're saying and I honestly am worried but he is a Target and we can take him out.

Najenda- to be fair Mine we actually want him on our side. His directions are different than ours but he's still one of us he's just going about it a different way. But if he does get in our way he's to be eliminated.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now