part 3 corrupt family

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A/Y pov

After a day and a half of walking around the capital I collecting as much information as possible I decided that it was my time to put my plan into motion. Apparently, there was a spot in the forest about 40 miles outside of the empire that no human went to. There in that location, I would find my answer The well of  knowledge people call it. Humans that venture too close to it became influenced by power however there was also rumors that a being stayed there a being of imaginable strength. What I wanted to know was the answer to what my powers were and the future. As I was walking completely mesmerized by my own thoughts a young girl with blond hair slammed into me at full speed knocking me back just a bit.

A/Y- I'm sorry are you ok?

???- oh I'm fine are you ok?

A/Y- yes I'm ok I should have been paying more attention to where I was going so my apologies young lady.

Just then two guards walked up behind the lady they look like they were well-trained. If I had to put money on it I would say that they were ex-military probably not very high in rank though.

Guard 1- lady Aria are you ok is this man giving you trouble?

The girl called Aria reassured her guards that there was nothing going on but then surprisingly the young girl turned her head and posted a question to me.

Aria- you look like you could use a place to stay for the night I would be happy to take you in for a little bit of time if you're interested?

I thought for a moment before responding to her question despite the young girl's kind words something about the entire situation seemed suspicious to say the least. I could feel the malevolence hidden behind her words. As I was about to turn down her request the boy who had to be just a little bit younger than me came running down the street towards her.

????- Miss Aria if we don't get back to the mansion soon we won't be in time for dinner.

The young blonde headed woman turns to face the boy.

Aria- oh Tatsumi you shouldn't worry so much.

The boy called Tatsumi looked intensely at me his green eyes staring into my blue eyes. Deciding to make sure that things didn't become awkward I walked up to the boy and extended my right gloved hand.

A/Y- hello my name is A/Y it's nice to make your acquaintance

Tatsumi- likewise.

Tatsumi pov

The man's gloved hand gripped mine. It felt strange like it wasn't an ordinary hand made of flesh and blood. Lady Aria told me that this stranger would be eating with us tonight and staying one night. I was a little bit suspicious after hearing about that group night raid that was wanted I was a little bit suspicious and a little bit surprised that lady Aria would invite another person into our house. And the man may not recognize him but Tatsumi remembered him from the village. He had been the man that walked on ahead without a second thought or hesitation he obviously hadn't wanted people to be with him. My friends had wanted to go with him since he seemed to know his way around. Looking back on the situation and what happened we probably should have gone with him we probably wouldn't have been ambushed by bandits on the road and have been separated.

Night came by in an instant everything seems quiet everything seemed at peace. But looks we're always horrifically deceiving. Dinner went very well for everybody. Tatsumi was still somewhat suspicious even though his mood lightened up a little bit because of the conversation that the stranger was having with Aria's father. Apparently, he was interested in all the local legends that was part of the reason why he came to the imperial capital. Tatsumi couldn't prove it but he felt that the man was lying about his reasons for coming to the capital but he chose to ignore it simply because of the fact if he wasn't causing trouble. After dinner, both parties went to sleep, or at least that's what Tatsumi thought that the stranger was doing.

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