I grit my teeth in annoyance, but didn't get the chance to reply.

"Giules!" My mother called, voice slightly muffled by the rows of shelves between us, "You should come look at this–" Her sentence broke off as she rounded the corner to find Angelo and I standing near the glass display case. "Oh, pardon me, I didn't mean to intrude."

I was too busy trying to squash the sudden dreadful feeling of being caught in the act to immediately respond to her words, but I did make sure to take a half step forward, placing my frame more fully between her body and his.

Luckily, Angelo recovered from his own shock at seeing my mother faster than I did. He flashed her a disarming smile, all charm, "It was no intrusion at all, Your Majesty," he said smoothly, adopting a near-perfect Lupian accent, "Actually, I believe it is myself who actually owes you an apology for disrupting your day with your lovely daughter. She is a close friend of mine, I just wanted to say hello."

It was all I could do to hold back my distaste at his use of the word friend, but his excuse was innocent enough to not raise more questions. I plastered a fake smile on my lips and nodded in validation of what he said. If the quick surprised look he shot me was anything to go by, I'd say he was pleased by my small act of cooperation.

Don't get used to it, I thought bitterly.

My mother returned his smile with one of her own, stepping around me and holding out a hand, "It's very nice to meet you, Mr.–?" she let the words trail off in a question, waiting for him to fill in the missing information.

He studied her outstretched hand for only a moment, but that lone moment was all it took to set my nerves on edge, especially with the two of them standing so close. "Just Angelo," he replied, finally taking her small hand in his and giving it a gentle shake, "and the pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty."

Satisfied, she turned to me, "Giules, I wanted to get your opinion on one of the pieces over there before we leave, if you don't mind." She gave Angelo another warm smile, "Any close friend of Giuliana's is a friend of Lupia, I would be honored if you joined us today."

He bowed politely in thanks, and in any other situation, I might have allowed myself a moment to be pleasantly surprised at the practiced grace of the action. It almost looked like he had been professionally taught to do it. Almost. But instead, I was too busy watching the conversation unfold in mute horror, trying my hardest to keep the emotion from my face.

My mother turned and walked back the way she came, likely back to wherever Lance must be stationed with our bags. I wasted no time turning on Angelo, "Don't you dare!"

He held up his hands in mock innocence, "What?"

I stepped forward until there were only inches between us, looking him deep in those electric blue eyes, "I swear to you, if you harm a single hair on her head, there won't be a bond in existence, Goddess-sent or otherwise, that can protect you from me."

He stared at me a moment, that amused glint back in his eye, then he took a half-step forward. I had to quickly take a step back to avoid our noses bumping together. He smirked.

I leveled a glare at him.

He put his hands up again in surrender, irritating smirk still in place on his lips, "I'm not here to harm your mother, I promise." Then he turned and began strolling away.

I followed after him, "Where do you think you're going?"

He threw a glance at me over his shoulder, "Didn't you hear? I've been personally invited to join the queen today."

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