Chapter four

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Sitting in his room, alone, on a Friday night, Anthony scrolled trough his instagram feed; looking at everyone have a good time while he was watcing Family Guy. He came upon a post, from December's account, of her in knee highs and a book. The caption was, 'While everyone's having a good time, I'm reading at home. Who's happier??' He couldn't help but smile at the post, maybe he should ask for her number? It was winter break and surely she wasn't doing anything on this lonely night, there's nothing he would rather do than talk to the wonderful girl.

'I'm stuck at home too :( Wanna go out some where?"

"Sure Anthony :). I am going to need your number doe XD "

"Sure :). 661-220-0004. Text me fast though."

Not a minute later, he recieved a message from an unknown number and his face broke out into an enormous smile. After texting for an entire two hours, they decided on going bowling and then movies afterwards. Jumping out of his bed, Anthony ran to his closet and tried to pick out an outfit that would an impress December. Wearing the snapback that she loved, he decided on wearing his white v-neck and black skinny jeans. He knew she loved them, even though she teased him about it almost every time he wore them. He told his mom he was going out and ran to his car, breaking a few laws making his way to the bowling alley to ensure he got there before her.

His plan didn't work out as he saw her sitting down, putting on the shoes and putting her hair into one of those buns. He smiled, his shoes in one hand and his other in his pocket, and he made his way over to her. The smile on his face vanished when he saw Isaac towering over December, only then did he realize how short she really was. Back to the main point, what the hell was Isaac doing here? Was he already there and decided she shouldn't be left alone? He would sure find out soon, now he was racing over to where they were.

"Anthony, hey! December invited me, why didn't you tell me you were going bowling?" Isaac smiled, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. Anthony nodded and tried not to tackle Isaac right then and there, keeping his fist in his pocket. They began the game and Isaac was teaching December how to bowl, his front rubbing on her back here and there. Anthony sat idly by, watching his best friend and the girl he had strong feelings for basically grope each other. December got a strike and she began jumping up and down, jumping onto Isaac and wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"I did it! That was great, Isaac you're the best." She exclaimed, looking back and forth between Isaac and the bowling lane. Isaac had a big smile on his face as he held the small girl in his arms, holding her tighter with each passing second.

"Do you want something to drink, baby girl?" Isaac smiled, watching the girl blush. She nodded and Isaac went to buy some drinks and snacks. Anthony excused himself to use the restroom, going to confront Isaac instead.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Anthony asked him, turning Isaac around.

"Trying to get the girl I have been wanting since eighth grade. What are you doing?" Isaac asked.

"You know how i feel about her, man! Let me have this one!" Anthony exclaimed.

"Let you have her? You're talking about her like she is an object to be won. Yes, she's like a gem or or or a prize or whatever. She's a girl that should be earned, i can't just let you have her. Grow some balls and fucking fight for her, what's the point of someone just hands her to you. God, sometimes you can be a major dick, you know that? Even December called you a dick! You-you should just leave, man. " Isaac spat. Taken back by the sudden honesty and hostility, Anthony went back to December to say goodbye and leave.

"Hey,leaving so soon?" December smiled, picking up a bowling ball.

"Am I a dick?" He came out with it right away. December was taken back, her eyes wide and her mouth wide open. Opening and closing her mouth with no idea what to say, she simply shrugged her shoulders a bit then nodded.

"You have your bad days, yes, but you're a pretty good guy." She said to him. With that, he nodded and left, unhappy with the events that took place that night. As Anthony wallowed in self pity, December was having an amazing time with Isaac and didn't want the night to end. They smiled and laughed together, laughing even more when Isaac fell on his ass. Isaac smiled at December and he realized, she was the perfect girl for Anthony and she should give her the chance to get to know him.

That night, when December laid in bed watching 'The Back-Up Plan' with subtitles, she thought about Anthony. And, damn, she didn't want to stop thinking about him.


Picture of Anthony in the media. Yes, Anthony is played by Colton Hayes cause lord. He blessed him.

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