Billie tried to pretend like his harsh words didn't hurt, but each one stung, unobstructed, sharp like a knife.

"You're nothing but a cruel dickhead."

"How juvenile." He drawled, eyeing her in disinterest. "You know what you are? You're just the type of trash that is meant to get left. You're the toy that men will play with until they find the woman they want to marry. End things with Brandon."

Billie scoffed, "What?"

"You heard me. End whatever silly little relationship you think you have with Brandon."

"Or what?" she sneered, glaring at him feriously. He was nothing but a bully. She wouldn't bend to his twisted will. "You'll try to hurt me or our baby? I'm not afraid of you. I dare you to try. I'll kick your ass."

It was bravado, she knew, but if she showed fear, she knew he would have the upper hand. Where was Brandon when she really needed him? When would he get home already? She was starting to get anxious being stuck in the apartment alone with his father. And Billie was terrified that if she tried to make a run for Brandon's room to grab her phone and call him, his father would give chase.

Christopher let out a short bark or derogatory laughter, shrewdly staring at her as if she'd lost her mind.

"Calm yourself, you uncivilized little tramp. There's no reason for any violence." He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I have a proposal for you. Since you didn't want to end things calmly, I'm giving you an ultimatum now."

Billie glared at him, her fist clenched by her side. "You can give me whatever fucking ultimatums you want to. I don't have to do anything you say."

He ignored her.

"If you end your relationship and cut ties with Brandon by telling him the child is not his, I will make sure you are paid in checks to two thousands for child care every month. I have a nice, unused condo in Malibu that I'll even let you have and live in, and you'll be able to raise your child as a single mother. Brandon will forget about you and in the future, will become a successful athlete and dutiful father and husband to a respectable woman. Everybody wins."

Billie's eyes widened in shock. "Are you deranged? Why the hell would I do that?"

"You care a lot about Brandon, don't you? Let me tell you the other option. And I do believe you will say yes to my offer after this." He said snidely, a dark look hooding his eyes. "If you choose to stay with him, I will use all the power I have and every contact I know to make sure Brandon can't go to any colleges, will never find work, or get a place to stay. He'll never find happiness. I'll force Brooklyn and Brandon to leave this apartment. It's under my name after all, and technically, my possession in the divorce. And I'll make the divorce hell for Brooklyn. We didn't sign a prenup, you know. We agreed to part on civil terms, but I don't have to follow through with that. I can get the best lawyer money can buy and drive her to bankruptcy. I can take everything she and Brandon has. I can leave them with nothing. And with nothing, how can Brandon even consider going to college? He'll have to drop out. He'll have to work. But like I said, I'm not going to let that happen."

Billie's breath hitched, her lower lip quivering the slightest bit as cold chills of fright ran down her back. A fear gripped her heart, rendering her immobile. She didn't know if it was a bluff, but his eyes were scaring her.

"Y-you can't do that..."

"You really want to make that bet? You have no idea what I'm capable of. My influence extends pretty far. Brandon can't escape me." His eyes were glinting sharply. "And I will make Brandon's life living hell. I'll pull strings to make sure he stays miserable and slowly, he will start to resent you. He'll see you as a burden."

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable Circumstancesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें