Chapter 2

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To be honest, I've got mixed feelings about this chapter, and I'm having a bit of writers block. I will probably make edits to this chapter later, but I really need to start working on the next one. Thanks for reading :)

Markus woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and got to school much faster than he expected to, so he decided to wait outside by the fountain behind the school. The area was pretty empty, except for Connor and Nines, the Stern brothers, who seemed to be having a quiet conversation on the bench to the left of the marble fountain. While they were both on the debate team, Nines was the only one on the football team. Markus opted to not disturb them and instead sat on the opposite side of the fountain.

He pulled out his phone and earbuds, deciding to listen to a Coldplay playlist until he had to leave for history. As he lifts his gaze, he notices Simon seated on a nearby table, legs crossed and sketching the fountain. Markus was pretty sure Simon hadn't noticed his staring until the blond smiled back, causing a small herd of butterflies in his stomach. Markus couldn't help but let his eyes linger on Simon as he drew: the way he moved the pencil across the paper, the way he bit his lip in concentration, the way everything around him seemed to disappear-

He tried to put those thoughts out of his mind. Yes, Simon really is all that, but that doesn't make him an option. Even being gay, that doesn't mean Simon's into him specifically. Not even to mention how his friends would see him if they knew...


"Wait, Nines? You HOOKED UP with someone?" North asks Nines. He shrugs.

"I guess that's one way to put it, but please keep your voice down." He nonchalantly replied. Markus and North, the only other people at the table, were shocked. Nines, after all, was one of the last ones they expected to have a random hook up.

"Who was it? Are you two a thing now? Do we know her?" The two bombarded him with questions.

"Doesn't matter, I doubt it will happen again anyways. Can we talk about something else?" Nines quickly tried to change the subject as Connor approached the table with his laptop, Simon following close behind. North moved and Simon squeezed in next to Markus, then Connor sat beside Simon and North sat beside Connor. Not too long after that, Josh came and sat beside Nines and they all three talked about the upcoming game.

Markus tried to focus on the conversation, tried not to stare at Simon's styled blond hair or his deep sapphire eyes, or even his slightly pink lips. Simon's elbow lightly brushed against his own, startling him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry Markus!" He offered in a soft tone before going back to the discussion between some of the other debate club kids. Markus couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach at the way he spoke.


North: heyy i gotta ask u bout somethin

Markus: Whats up?

North: everything goin ok? U barely talked at lunch

Markus: yeah, and wdym?

North: idk, u seemed nervous-ish

Markus: Its rlly nothing

North: Is it? Bc it didn't seem like nothingNorth: come on, we're friends! U can tell me :)

Markus considered his options. It would be pretty nice to be able to talk to someone about this and even get some advice, but he didn't want to risk Simon finding out...

Markus: Fine, but u cant tell ANYONEMarkus: I kinda like someone but i kno the feeling isnt mutualMarkus: kinda sucks but ya kno

North: AwwwwNorth: r u sure? ppl like u

Markus: yeah ik but this def wouldnt work out

North: did u ask?

Markus: dont need to

North: u should at least give it a try!!North: u never rlly kno if u dont North: how long has it been since u dated anyone?

Markus: how is it relevant?

North: just think bout it! =D

Markus set down his phone, trying to put the thoughts out of his head. While she did have a point, Markus knew better than to have any hope. Simon was already really happy, and someone as cute and friendly as he could have anyone, he couldn't deny that: just another reason to add to the list of why they'd never work. Markus decided to open Instagram and, inevitably, ended up scrolling through Simon's adorable pictures from debate club, pictures with him, North, and Connor, and little doodles of fish. Aside from his attraction to the blond, he noted that his crush was an amazing artist.

Too good for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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