Chapter ninE

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Blashark: You killed my sons?
Tigress: I only gave them the order to get rid of the witnesses.
Blashark: where's it?
Tigress: At the lab...the boffin is running some few experiments on it.
Blashark: Take me there.
Prisca: (sobbing) That's all you care about? Your selfish needs? My brothers are dead and you're not even bothered. Screw you! Screw you all!
Blashark: Take her to her room,she's stressed out.

Back in Nairobi,Khage and Nate with Tracy had gone to the City hospital to check up on Possible and Legacy.

Khage: Good afternoon Doctor.
Doctor: Hello!
Khage: How are they doing?
Doctor:(sighs) There's good and bad news.
Nate: Ahugh?
Doctor: I'm sorry but Possible has fallen into a temporal coma.
Nate: ok, and the bad news?
Doctor: excuse me?
Tracy:(frowns) Nate?
Doctor: Legacy is doing all right and will be discharged soon.
Nate:How long does this temporal coma usually last?
Doctor: Few weeks....
Nate: (complains) Oh oh.... doctor,you gotta do something.
Doctor: don't be worried, we are doing our best and I assure you tha...
Nate: That he's gonna pay my money when he's up?
Khage: Can we go in to see them?
Doctor: Of course!
Tracy: Thank you!

The ekaastonite was being ran under several experiments and Blashark impatiently was turning red.

Blashark: What do you mean we can't weaponise the stone?
Boffin:Sir, the stone needs some sort of coded instructions to operate. Without these codes, we can only use the stone for nothing.
Blashark: What codes? So far as I know, the stone fell down from space alone. It wasn't packaged in a box with a manual.
Boffin: These are not just any ordinary codes sir. They are omnipotent codes that ...
Blashark: look, I care less about what those codes are. Just go find them.
Boffin: There's only one way to get the codes. THE SERVICE CHIP.

Legacy was discharged, Possible in coma and Rexx was being trained at the TSA Headquarters.
Dr.Spider had called a meeting with Khage,Nate,Tracy,Bella and Legacy.

Dr Spider: Legacy! I'm resigning you from the TSA.
Legacy: (confused) what? No Doc...You can't do this. I'm absolutely fine.
Nate: Doc, you shouldn't do this.
Dr Spider: I've my Personal reasons. You are no more an agent.
Legacy: (tears up) You can't do this to me, uncle.
Dr Spider: I'm sorry my daughter but it's for the best.
Legacy: You can't get me out of the squad. I'm one of your best men.
Nate: (coughs) ...women.
Bella: (pokes Nate) shut up!
Legacy: Doc look...
Dr Spider: My decision is final. I'm not sacking you from the base,this is your home but you are no more B300.
I made a promise to my brother that I will protect you till my last breath.
What if you were the one in coma?
I ain't risking your life anymore. I would break my promise if something happens to you.
Legacy: (walks out angry) I can't believe this.
Tracy:(calls out) Legacy, where...
Dr Spider: Let her go. She will understand.
Sadly, we lost Jay. Agent A100 IS therefore no more and his place cannot be empty. We need to fish out a new Leader. I suggest khage but I need your opinions also.
Bella: Khage is an interprid agent,sounds perfect to me.
Nate: Doc, you don't need our opinions, whatever you say, whoever you choose, it's final!
Dr Spider: It shouldn't be like that. We are more like a team here and we need to cooperate.
Tracy: I agree to Khage then.
Nate: Objection! This guy's too crazy for leadership. Unless you wanna end up in Ghana when given a mission to Madagascar.
Khage: (laughs) Idiot!
Dr Spider: So Khage, You ready?
Khage: To be A100 Takes a lot of courage, strength,both physical and psychological mentality and I carry non.
Nate:(stands) I knew it!
Bella: Ass down airboy.
Dr Spider: What are you saying? We all know that after Jay, you and Legacy are the best.
Khage: Yes but this is not my destiny. To be leader.
Bella: Khage! No one can take the position of A100 apart from you.
Khage: (smiles) Of course, there's someone.

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