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Jihyo successfully pry the two toddler off of Sana and now they were 'peacefully' playing on their own. "Mina unnie! Mina unnie! read?" Tzuyu asked running towards Mina with a book that appeared out of nowhere.

"of course" Mina smiled and Tzuyu happily sat down on Mina's lap, "unnie, Jihyo unnie" Chaeyoung called tugging Jihyo's sleeve "yes sweetie?" Jihyo answered "hungwy" Chaeyoung pouted and Jihyo looked at the clock "right, its already 9 we haven't had breakfast" Jihyo sighed.

"who's hungry?" Jihyo said and unsurprisingly all hands shot up with Tzuyu accidentally smacking Mina's nose in the process making Sana laugh and Mina glared at her while holding her nose, "sowwy unnie" Tzuyu smiled cheekily.

Jihyo went to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast while Sana and Mina babysit. "unnie what this?" Dahyun asked carrying a Bluetooth speaker that Nayeon owns "thats a speaker dubu" Sana answered.

"A speker?" Dahyun asked putting it on the floor "yeah, it plays songs! Do you want to listen to some songs?" Sana asked and Dahyun eagerly nodded.

Sana connected her phone to the speaker and played likey "likey! Me likey likey likey!" Sana sang as she dance and Dahyun tried to copy her "you do it like this hyunnie" Sana said teaching Dahyun the dance.

Dahyun soon gave up and started dancing around randomly with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu joining in and they all jammed to baby shark.

"Break- what the fuck?" Jihyo said when she saw the chaos in the living room, they somehow got their mirrorball out and now the living room looks like a disco and the maknaes were jumping around while Sana and Mina dance crazily.

"Breakfast ready?" Jihyo called and everyone immediately stopped whatever they were doing and rushed to the kitchen.

They all sat down on the dining table with the maknaes on their lap and started eating, "Jihyo watch this" Sana said and Jihyo raised and eyebrow.

"Dahyunnie likey~" Sana said and Dahyun did the likey pose "wow" Jihyo let out an amused chuckle "that's very nice Sana, but Dahyun is not a dog stop teaching her tricks" Jihyo said and Sana pouted.

"How is the pancake babies?" Jihyo asked "gud!" Tzuyu grinned and Chaeyoung nodded enthusiastically "Dahyunnie likey!" Dahyun said making the adults chuckled "we're gonna be hearing likey nonstop from now on aren't we?" Mina sighed "yup, and its all Sana's fault" Jihyo said.

They all soon finished eating and moved back to the living room where they watched baby shark for the nth time.

"What's taking them so long?" Jihyo groaned as she checked her phone and there was still no messages from them, suddenly they heard the sound of someone entering the passcode and the door opened.

"We're home!" Momo called taking off her shoes "Momo unnie!" All the kids immediately rushed to Momo "hi kiddos! Let Momo unnie put this down first yeah?" Momo said mentioning the 4 shopping bags she was holding.

"Let me help you" Mina said and immediately helped Momo and the rest with the bags while Sana take the kids back to the living room.

"What took you guys so long?" Jihyo asked folding her arms as she raised her eyebrow "funny story actually" Jeongyeon laughed awkwardly as she took off her jacket.

"So we got there right?" Jeongyeon said as they walked to the living room "and Momo got hungry and we passed a jokbal stand so of course Momo had to buy ten of them" Jeongyeon said sitting down on the sofa and pulling Tzuyu onto her lap.

"YOU BOUGHT TEN?!" Jihyo exclaimed her eyes widening, if that was even possible "yup and guess what she ate all of it" Jeongyeon laughed awkwardly while Momo sent Jihyo a sheepish smile.

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