A (big) little problem

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Jihyo groaned as she turned off her alarm, they just got a 3 months break from Jyp but Jihyo forgot to turn off her alarm and that's why she's awake at 7 am in the morning.

Deciding that going back to sleep was no use Jihyo slowly made her way out to the kitchen leaving her roommates deep in slumber.

Jihyo expected to find Tzuyu chilling in the living room as the youngest always wakes up at this hour no matter what, but much to her surprise the dorm was empty.

"Huh that's weird" Jihyo mumbled as she grab a cup of water for herself "maybe she's just tired from yesterday's practice" Jihyo shrugged and drank her water.

Suddenly a loud scream could be heard almost making Jihyo drop her cup of water, Jihyo quickly rushed to where the scream came from and found the rest of the member standing in front of the maknae's line room, except they were missing 4 of them.

Jihyo slowly opened the door and found a pretty shaken up Sana on the floor and a crying toddler on Dahyun's bed.

"Sana are you okay?" Jihyo quickly helped Sana up and gave the latter a comforting hug "D-Dahyun" Sana said pointing to the crying toddler "huh?" Nayeon asked looking at the toddler "its Dahyun" Sana mumbled from Jihyo's arms.

"Are you high?" Jeongyeon asked and Sana shook her head and was about to protest when the toddler started wailing loudly making everyone panic.

"What do we do?" Momo asked "uh hug her!" Mina suggested "hi baby! Nayeon unnie is here don't cry!" Nayeon cooed and awkwardly hug the toddler who stopped crying and stare at Nayeon making everyone sighed in relief.

"What's your name kiddo?" Jihyo asked crouching down to face the pouting toddler "Dahyunnie! Kim Dahyun!" Dahyun squealed "WHAT?!" Everyone's jaw dropped except for Sana who already knew.

Dahyun got shocked from everyone's yell and started to pout as her lips quivered "oh no! Don't-" "UWAAAAAA!" "-Cry" Jihyo sighed.

Nayeon and Jihyo tried to calm Dahyun down by making ugly faces but the toddler kept crying "what do we do?!" Nayeon panicked looking back asking help from her fellow members who just stood there.

"UMMAAAA!" Dahyun wailed "she wants her mom" Mina pointed out "do we call auntie then?" Momo asked fishing out her phone "don't! There's no way we're telling her! She'll think we're crazy!" Jeongyeon said "plus what do you think she'll do when her daughter randomly turned back into a kid and we don't know how to turn her back" Jeongyeon added.

Sana who was watching from the side sighed and approached the toddler, "why are you crying? Don't cry" Sana cooed wiping Dahyun's tears "u-umma!" Dahyun hiccuped stretching her arms out "its okay! Come here Sana unnie will give you hugs" Sana softly said picking Dahyun up and gave the toddler a warm hug.

Not long after that Dahyun stopped crying and cuddled closer to Sana putting her tiny head on Sana's shoulder, "you're a lifesaver Sana" Momo sighed in relief "how did you do that?" Jeongyeon asked.

"She just wanted to be comforted but instead you guys panicked making her panicked" Sana rolled her eyes "right dubu?" Sana asked pinching Dahyun's cheek making the toddler giggled "right!" Dahyun replied excitedly even though she didn't understand.

"umma?" A little voice said and they all turned around to find another toddler on Chaeyoung's bed "don't tell me she turned into a kid as well" Mina sighed.

"Hi what's your name?" Nayeon asked "Chaeng!" Chaeyoung smiled showing her dimple and everyone nearly died from how cute she was.

"What about Tzuyu?" Mina asked and they all looked at Tzuyu's bed "well i guess there's only one way to find out" Jeongyeon said and lift the cover of Tzuyu's bed revealing a sleeping toddler.

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