Chapter 4-Missing

Start from the beginning

8:47 pm
Still May 16
Kara watching her favorite movie for the third time

No matter how much I watch this movie,I still can't stop thinking about Lena.but what if Alex is right,what if Eve is lying but why would she lie about that? And why Lena would leave without any message? She can't just leave without her clothes right? Something doesn't add up.Like how an alien caused everyone to be vulnerable or how did he disappeared? And why Eve was robbing a wine factory,why did she need them or maybe it's just a distraction and she knew I would be their but how?
Knock knock
I use the X-Ray vision to see who is it,It's Mon-el "It's not locked"
He opens the door,"Don't you have the key?" I ask
"Well,I lost it"
"You did what?"
"Just kidding,Just wanted to see you if you were here" Mon-el smiles and gave me a quick kiss and sits beside me in the couch and looks at the TV "oh no,not this movie"
"It's not that bad" I giggle
"Kara,I watched this movie...hundred times"
"What are you waiting for? Let's make it hundred and one" I smile softly and look at him in puppy eyes
"Ahh,fine then tell me how is your day okay?" I nod
We cuddle,he rested on my temple and continue watching the movie but I can't help but think about Lena,what if Lena is really dying? And I couldn't find her on time,How can I live with myself if she died because of me? Should I listen to Eve or Alex? Maybe one of them are right,but who? Sure I trust my sister but things like this,I should listen to my gut and I should see Eve right now without anyone knowing, I stand up "I should go"
Mon-el gave me a confusing look "Why?"
"For...a walk to clear my head" I lie
"So,lemme guess we were cuddling and watching and you just....wanna go for a walk?"
I nod,He stands up "I'm going with you"
"No,I just wanna walk alone,get some fresh air"
"And I wanna come with you" he kisses my forehead
"There's no need"
He grabs a jacket and opens the door "Let's go" he insists
I smile and got going.
He touches my hand,I squeeze
I miss Lena,Although we are not in good terms at the moment,I still miss her,Her emerald green eyes,I could stare at them all day.Her voice is....unexplained,How when we around each other we forget our problems and act dorks around each other,Her soft smile and laugh,How she looks beautiful in every way possible for me,How she's adorable when she speaks science.Our lunch dates with her.
I miss her,my best friend.
"Are you listening?" Mon-el asks
"It's okay...So how was your day" Mon-el says
"Okay?" Mon-el smiles "nothing happened?"
"Just Eve and still looking for Lena" I gave him a sad smile "How about yours"
"It's was okay too" I nod and we kept walking
The phone rings and it's Alex,I pick it up "Kara,Where are you?"
"Hello to you too"
"Hello,Where are you?"
"I am with Mon-el,why? Is everything okay?" I ask and look at Mon-el,He smiles
"Yes,everything is okay.It's Sam,She's here"
"Is she okay? Is it Ruby?"
"No Kara,it's about Lena,come here quick" and she hung up
"So?" Mon-el asks
"It's Lena,I should get going" I kiss him a goodbye kiss and run towards a dark building so I can fly

Alex POV
10:15 pm
"I called Kara,She's gonna come soon" I say to Sam
Sam smiles and tuck ruby in bed and sits on the couch,I offer her a drink
"Thanks" I nod
"That was quick" And took a sip,I awkwardly smile,damn it Kara,I open the door
Kara enters the room "Sam,how are you?" And hugs Sam,She smiles "I'm okay,You came quickly"
"Ah yeah,I was"
"Room?" Sam asks confusingly
I laugh awkwardly "She meant that she was coming here anyway" I glare at Kara,"So what happened to Lena?"
"She left me a voicemail this afternoon and told me to come to national city,it's about Lex but she didn't say much" Sam says
"What do you mean Lex?" Kara worriedly asks
"I don't know Kara,Few hours ago I saw the voicemail and rushed to come here" Sam replies,Kara sits beside Sam
"I'm glad you came to me first,So the message can mean anything" I look at Kara "It means Eve was lying that Lex is alive"
"She must've been working with him all this time" Kara answers,I nod
"What? What do you mean? So you know all this time that Lena is missing?" Sam says
Kara glares "yeah"
Sam stands up "Are you guys out of your mind? Aren't you guys her friends,your suppose to take care of her"
"I thought she needs some space" I reply
"Space? You guys suppose to be her friend" Sam stares at Kara "What about you Kara? You just gave up on searching for her?"
"No,Sam" Kara nervously answers "I'm working on it,but,Me and Lena aren't exactly on a good terms"
"So?" Sam eyes wide
"Okay,Everyone is stressed but let's work on this together" I say
"Not together" Kara continues "Alone and this time you won't stand on my way" And looks at me
"Why I am getting blamed for this?" I ask helplessly
"Because,You stopped me today while I am talking to Eve" Kara glares and so Sam
Jeez,Can Kara stop acting like that? So in love with Lena,She's early to find out or maybe she's no longer oblivious,Who knows "Can you guys stop glaring at me?"
"Sure" Sam says "So how are we gonna do this?"
"So since Eve is...." Kara interrupt me "I'm gonna do this alone,You will be In danger,Both of you.We don't really know if Lex is alive or is he dead? All that matters that finding Lena and maybe you lives will be in danger and I don't want distractions"
"I'm not gonna let you do this alone" I say
"I agree" Sam agrees
"Well then I have no choice" Kara opens the door and holds a closet,How did she get it? Sam gave me a shock face probably wondering how Kara did that and blocks the door with the closet "Kara this isn't funny,move the closet" I yell
"Sorry Alex but I had too much distractions and now it's only me" Kara says and I see her fly and we hear a loud wind,Shit she flew
I look at Sam and Sam said "Did she just locked us in here and how did she even manage to get the closet and how is she that strong"
"Yeah and I don't know" I nervously say
"Mom" ruby calls "is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything is okay,Just stuck in here for a while" Sam hugs Ruby
Kara better not get herself killed or let someone be killed for Lena,Let me call Mon-el
After few calls,He finally pick up "Hello"
"Hey is Kara with you?"
"No,Is she okay?" Mon-el asks
"Yeah,It's actually a long story" I say
I explain everything "Now come to my house and break this"
"On my way" and hung up

10:35 pm
May 16
Kara POV

I left them because I can't handle somebody get hurt.What if Sam got hurt while looking for Lena,Would I choose her or Lena and leave ruby alone with no mother? I can't put myself in that situation because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna choose Lena in a heartbeat
I don't want distractions,First Eve and then the Alien attack,I got fooled more than once but twice,can't handle more
This time only Lena
I arrive at the DEO and walk to her cell,I open the door and Eve is sitting in bed,smiling "I have been expecting you"
"This time,No mercy.Nobody is gonna save you" I warn
"You're angry....good"
"You're sick" I say
She laughs "Soon,You're gonna pay for Lena's death"
"You're not a killersupergirl"
I hold her neck "I said do not test me"
"Now you and Lena are both killers" she smiles
I chock her even more and lift her up "Lex is alive,stop lying"
"Oh look who's laughing now" I smile
"And why should I?"
"Sorry,I can't hear you" I hold her closer and whisper in her ear "Here's what's gonna happen,I'll drop you and you'll tell me where is Lena.Okay?"
Eve blinks "Okay?"
I drop her,Eve started coughing and catching her breathe and lays on the floor "So now we understand each other Eve,I can kill if it comes down to Lena or Alex" I warn,She nods
I kneel down "Now your gonna tell me,What did you do to Lena.Got it?"
Eve blink "I need to hear you say it"
"I'm gonna tell you what did I do to Lena but please stay away from me" She gasps
I stand up "I'm all ears,and be quick"
"Lena killed Lex" Eve says quickly
I sigh "Okay,How do she 'kill' him?"
"I told you,When you and lex were fighting"
"I am aware of that" I glare,Eve sits on the corner
"But you never saw him fall right? And Lena came and killed him and before he died he told her you were Supergirl"
"No that's impossible" I walk around the cell "That doesn't make any sense,You told me that Lena killed him when lex revealed that I am Supergirl,and now your telling me she shot him before he told her who I am?"
Eve nervously smiles "Are you lying?"
"No,I assure you that Lena shot lex before he told her you are Kara Danvers"
I glare "did you tell anyone who I am?"
"No,I promise"
"Okay so" I look at her "Where is he now?"
"Where did Lena....hurt Lex"
"Supergirl,you're still processing that Lena is a killer just like her family? Can't blame you though,I would be angry if my girlfriend did that to me"
"She's not my girlfriend" I roll my eyes
Eve smirks "So she's just your friend?"
I nod,Eve laughs "this is the most ridiculous thing that came out from your mouth"
"Stop dodging the question"
"Okay,So Lena 'hurt' lex the cabin when they were children"
"What cabin?" I ask
"I don't know Kara,They have a lot"
"How do you know all this?" I say
"Because....I know?" She awkwardly smiles "Just a cabin that's all I know"
"If your lying,and I find out about it,your gonna meet Lex in hell"
"So you believe me"
I ignored her question and close the cell door "until we meet again"
"Supergirl" she yells,I turn around "Tick-Tock"

6:30 am
May 17

Still flying,Looking for Lena,She's nowhere to be found,I called mon-el and told him I'm searching for Lena in every cabin they were raised but he ignored me and asked me to get some rest
Should I get some rest?hell no,Every minute passes,closer for her death
I entered every cabin Lena ever mentioned to me.Still nothing,Only 1 left but what if I couldn't find her,What will I do? Never give up,your gonna find her
I look at my watch,Shoot 10 hours left..Today is the longest day of my entire life,I made my way to the last cabin,Fingers crossed
I enter the building,Everything is destroyed "Hello,Lena?" There's a box,I open it,it's wine
There's nobody here,Tears slowly begin to drop,This can't be real.I shut on the ground and started crying "Lena" I gasp don't know where you are and I got nothing, "I'm sorry" I whisper,then I heard a noise,abruptly stand up and remove my tears "who's there?" But nothing "Hello?" I used my X-Ray vision and check the room but nothing,Super-hearing why didn't I think of that? I hear something,really slow heartbeat.Lena that's definitely Lena's heartbeat
No don't get your hopes up,then again I hear it again
Where is it coming from?I look at the floor and try using my X-Ray vision but didn't work,I'm on the right crack
I break the table and fall down,Ouch I look at my fist it's bleeding,I look around the room it's surrounded by green kryptonite and there's Lena.Shes laying on the ground and her forehead is bleeding
I smile and walk slowly towards her and fall down,I start crawling
She looks at me and smile and she's screaming but there's no sound she lift her hand towards me and I touch her hand and we look at each other eyes,I smile and touch her forehead,it's bleeding she must sensed I am here and used her forehead as a noise...cute and crazy at the same time
At least we both are gonna die....

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