The escape!

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"What happened?" Neji and I said at the same time. We both looked at each with a questionable look.

"You go first!" we both said at the same time again. We both growled at each other until Kiba Interrupted us.

"You guys sound like dogs I say what happened first,"

While Kiba explained what was going on Sasuke was watching me and when I went to look at him and he would turn his head and not show eye contact. 'What’s the problem with him,' I wondered. I looked at Kakashi who had put the princess down and he was explaining his story.

"The castle was under attack..." he said but I spaced out and I just stood at the ground for a while. Neji started shaking me and I shot my head up seeing that everyone was staring at me.

"Marissa can you use your brother's jutsu and send us to this location," Kakashi said holding out a peice of folded paper.

"Um, I can't really use my right arm or leg so I will need help, Neji can you help me?" I said and he nodded. I pulled out a scroll and a paint brush I had Neji hold the scroll and opening it. I drew a sign and I did a hand sign and the sign on the scroll began to glow purple. The sign started to get bigger until it was big enough so everybody can stand on it.

"Yuso!" I said and we all poofed away and then we appeared in a underground tunnel.

"Your brother never stops to amaze me," Kakashi said and let out a sad sigh.

"Wasn’t your brother the four-" Sasuke said but Kakashi covered his mouth with his hand and Sasuke's eye started twitching.

"Where's Luke and Mayla?" I asked Mayla is my sensei who has been training me. She has black short hair that goes down to her shoulders and she has purple glasses. She wears a red kimono that goes up to here neck and she . She's has fishnet leggings and she used to carry a sword on her back.

We were standing there in silence until it was broken by the sound of running footsteps. Everyone got in a fighting stance Exept for me and Neji. Mayla ran into the room with a dog mask on her face with luke running behind her. Mayla used to be an Anbu ninja. When they stoped in front of us Mayla took her mask of and stuck it on top of her head.

"The tunnels are clear!" she said and Kakashi wave his hand for us to follow her.

As we were walking down the tunnel Neji was behind everyone and was struggling to keep up. "Neji are you sure you're alright?" I asked. "Yes! I'm alright!"

"Do you want me to ride on your back or something?" I asked him again. "Don't worry Neji. I'll carry Marissa and you can get some rest!" Lee said loudly and ran up to me and threw me in the air and then he cought me in his arms and started running down the hall at full speed.

"LLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE! SSSSTTTTOOOOPPPP!" I yelled and he stopped and his heels started to dig into the ground. When he stopped I almost fell out of his arms but he caught hold of me. He was about a half a mile ahead of everyone who was running to keep up with him. When they caught up with us they were all exhausted besides Guy.

Sasuke walked up to us and he threw me on his back and then he started walking down the tunnel. "Thanks, I owe you one!" I whispered to him and everybody walked behind us and I could feel Sakura and Ino's eyes glaring at me. "You don't need too; you're the only person that I care about that's still alive!" He said and I started blushing and I think Ino and Sakura heard him because I think I heard them trying to hold back a scream.

When we arrived at a dead end the princess walked up to the wall and did something that caused it to open. When it opened we all walked in and the wall closed and it left ous in a pitch black room. While we were in the darkness I heard Luke mutter something and then I saw a flame ignited. Luke's hand was covered in flames and it light up part of the room. The princess walked over to a wall behind him and she grabbed a torch and put it next to his hand and she used that same torch to ignite another torch and then a couple more torches let themselves on fire and the hole room was lit.

The room was like a living room when you walked in with couches and chairs that surround a coffee table and behind that was a plate form with a kitchen and a dinner table on it. The walls had doors on the left and right sides. Kurenia walked up to one of the doors and opened it. "Marissa and Ino and I we'll have this room while Hinata, Sakura, and Ten Ten will have the room next door," she said and she made all the girls go to their room but me.

"Sasuke put Marissa down I'll take her to her room," she said and he put me down and Kurenia threw my arm around her shoulder and she helped me over to our room and she placed me on a mate on the ground.

"I'll be back don't kill each other," Kurenia said and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. 'No don't leave me alone with her!' I said in my head. I was laying down flat on my back with my right arm laying on the ground and I put my other arm over my eyes and I sighed. I few minutes later I fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was walking through the woods at night and I saw my brother standing on his knees with his eyes closed then I saw a silhouette standing behind him. Then I saw the silhouette stab a sword through my brother Minato and then the scene melted away and I was on a path in the woods and the moon and the cold night sky was red.  Sasuke came running out of the trees and he started yelling for me to run and he grabbed my hand and we ran down a hill and threw a creak until we jumped behind a tree. There was about a few inches between me and Sasuke and are faces were close to each other.

Then Sasuke started to lean his head closer and he slowly closed his eyes but then until his lips were about to touch mine but then stopped. He backed away and his eyes were wide open and blood was dripping from his mouth then that silhouette appeared behind him and it sliced him in half. I woke up in a cold sweat and I said Sasuke's name. I threw myself up and I started panting hard.

"You ok?" Ino said and I laid back down and covered my eyes again. "Yea it was only a nightmare," I said.

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