On Midnight Dates And Surprises

Start from the beginning

“Hyung.” Taehyun says softly, “Can you stop moving for a while?”

They are now face to face and Beomgyu feels his resolve melt away under Taehyun’s scrutiny. The heat that has started at the pits of his stomach begins crawling to his body from where Taehyun is touching him and he wants to see and understand what could the other guy be thinking.

“You got thinner.” Taehyun notes, not with judgement but more of an observation.

“Ah, I got a bit busy from the last time you saw me.” Which is really just the photo Yeonjun took of him.

He manages to look at Taehyun who is now worrying his lower lip and Beomgyu wants to kick himself for staring too long at those berry lips. Hmmmm…. “You’re still wearing makeup.”

He notices the brown eyeliner that frames those cold eyes and a hint of some red tint on those lips he had been biting on which Beomgyu figures is really just out of habit.

Taehyun lets him go and rubs his eyes. “Yeah, I told you. I was in a hurry.”

“Hey, don’t rub your eyes like that,” its his turn to grab Taehyun’s wrist and pull his hands away, “I think I have something we can use to remove that.” Taehyun gives him a pout but concedes.

“You want some tea first?”

“Can’t say no to hyung who already troubled himself just to make it.”

“Ha ha. Very funny.” Beomgyu rolls his eyes as he pours down the tea into two identical mugs. He gives one to Taehyun who accepts it and warms his hand against the ceramic.

They drink the tea in silence and before it becomes awkward, again, Beomgyu asks, “Have you had dinner?”

Taehyun shakes his head. “Why would you ask that? We’re supposed to have dinner.” Then in a suspicious voice, he asks, “Did you already have dinner?”

Beomgyu winces in guilt, “Yeah I did. I’m sorry but I got hungry and besides, you mentioned we can just eat some snacks together….”

Its too late to see Taehyun grinning at him, “It’s a trick question. I’m actually happy you ate beforehand. I don’t want you starve yourself just to fulfil a promise to me.”

Beomgyu manages to look affronted, “Who says I’ll starve myself for you?”

“I’m already saying I’d rather you not.”

“Where do you really get that confidence? I mean, seriously? Are you even human?”

Said man is just snickering at him and Beomgyu finds himself returning the smile.

“You look great, by the way.”

“Huh?” Beomgyu wants to tell him, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? But he lets the compliment sit in their silence. He doesn’t know what they’re doing or why Taehyun is even here in his studio, drinking his tea. Its all surreal, honestly and his nerves are slowly getting the best of him.

Beomgyu tries to avoid Taehyun’s eyes and it somehow falls on the helmet by the table. “You didn’t tell me you’re into motorcycles.”

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