14 Tangible Evil

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Song: Every breath you take, cover by Chase Holfelder

"Have you located the rest of the rogues yet?" Silver eyes studied carefully for reactions as his words cut through the throng of white lab coats. Silence immediately fell into the room. Monitors hummed, water gurgled from full tanks, rats squeaked in cages across the room. Sensing danger. A pin could drop and it would be louder than the breaths the men had forgotten how to take.

Tall enough that from the balustrade, his figure loomed above the rest. His presence held the promise of violence, his perilous visage striking terror in all those present in the room. A dangerous predator on the prowl for his next meal, paused as he took in the sights before him.

The men below don't stand a chance against him, face seeming carved from marble, cold. Face impassive, ethereal. Eternal seeming even in the harsh lights of the lab, a presence of authority.

The steel of the operating tables glinting the same color as the Alpha's eyes. The rows of medical equipment against the wall, modern, secret. The particular monitors in the room in use wouldn't ever be found in an actual hospital. It would have been illegal before, now there is no higher authority than this Alpha. At least this side of the continent.

The Alphas plans would soon change all of that. Power, reigning supreme, King of the jungle, all positions coveted by the stoic shifter.

The three tanks of liquid in the center of the room empty, save one. The shifter had wires attached to each limb, a multitude of them stemming from his shaved skull. Aquamarine eyes open yet unseeing.

"We have not." The man who spoke sat in front of a computer, head mike slanted across his forehead as he too had nearly frozen when the Alpha had entered the lab. He only shook a little at the scrutinizing glare the Alpha gave. He lowered his eyes.

Better to not be beaten, or killed. Never look this Alpha in the eyes.

"I see." His tone mild, only a hint of menace in the undercurrent.

"What of my assets?"

A flicker of unease wafted through the crowd of people gathering now at the base of the stairs.

When the Alpha is present, full attention is required. Or death is what will be begged for when he is finished taking out his ire.

The men had seen the broken and battered bodies of those that dared to defy this Alpha. There is no room for mistakes, no error is acceptable. Not if life is valued.

The silence nearly deafened.

"We have not acquired the bodies as of yet Alpha." The man, elderly, with a shock of white hair and black eyebrows, bowed while speaking. Hazel eyes staring at the floor.

"Why not Voss?"

The lack of title the Alpha gives is a clear indication of his displeasure. The man addressed flinches, clearly nervous around the larger shifter.

"We have yet to acquire them, your son has failed in-!"

"Excuses. My son has nothing to do with this." Silver eyes flashed with displeasure as the other mans words were cut off.

"Apologies Alpha." If it had been possible to bow lower, he'd be laying on the floor, prone.

"Alpha Killian has sent the Rats." Another slightly smaller man behind the bowing one states. His lack of fear seemed to amuse the Alpha.

"Alpha Killian?" The Alphas smirk is razor sharp. Teeth showing through thinned lips, protruding slightly as his beasts make their appearance. A wave of fear rushed through the room, smelling sweet, succulent to the now grinning Alpha.

It is never good when this Alpha smiles.

The man who spoke bowed, as low as the other.

"Beta Voss, who is this... creature who dares to speak out of turn?"

"My guard." The Beta didn't spare him a glance, grimacing at the floor.


Ripping flesh is an awful, haunting sound. Especially when the one whos flesh is being torn apart is still alive. Seconds, all it took for the furious Alpha to travel from the top of the stair to the guard. A hole now where his heart should be.

Said heart fit nicely in the palm of the Alphas hand. Life blood dripping from the partially attached arteries and splattering on the floor, red rivulets streaking down the Alphas partially exposed arm. The organ stuttering, shocked at its abrupt removal.

The guard fell, twitching slightly as the Alphas face turned back into stone.

"The boy?" Voice as cold as his expression, the Alpha addressed the remaining men. All whiter than normal. Scared.

"His brain function has increased. We placed the tracer in his spine, c7, as per usual." Beta Voss quipped. Not even blinking at the sight of a heart in his Alpha's hands. "He should be ready within the next few weeks."

"Excellent." The guards heart fell with a splat onto one of the many side tables. The man in front of it turning green at the sight.

"Problem." No inflection in the question. A demand of a figure of authority to one deemed lesser. Challenging any and all to defy him, at their own risk.

"No Alpha." The mans eyes stare at the ground. A clear indication of submission.

"Hmm." The scoff reverberates through the room as the Alpha saunters over to the large tanks of clear liquid, tinged blue. He stopped before the one holding the male shifter, tilting his head as he studied the man inside.

"How long?"

"...It is uncertain Alpha, there are still many tests that need to be ran. He has yet to gain consciousness-"

"Unacceptable. Speed up your timeline. I want him awake and ready by the end of the week."

"These things take time Alpha, we will do our best."

"You will. Or you will die."

Gasps echoed throughout the room. The threat as potent as the smell of blood wafting through the room.

"There is no room for error. Fail me again and you will wish you had remained unnoticed."

The men in white lab coats bowed, hinging at their hips in a gesture of respect. The ones in front of computers got onto their knees, heads bowing to the floor, hands in front, an act of submission.

The Alpha turned his gaze back to the tank. Large hands clasping behind his back as he studied his subordinates in the glasses reflection.

Yes, Many already wished they had remained anonymous. Perhaps all.

The Alpha smiled, terribly angry.

"Get me the bodies of the women. That welp I raised cannot possibly begin to understand their importance." He turned his gaze to his Beta.

"...any of his women still alive.... kill before bringing them back."


Thank you for reading!

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