10 Nope-Town

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That fucking hurt.

I practically threw him at her and he'd gone with it much quicker than I would have liked.

He'd picked her up the way he would have picked me up.

It doesn't matter anymore. He's out of reach.

I push the feelings down. Finding a lockbox and closing the lid. The key is somewhere in Nope town, down not-gonna-go-there-again street. Damn thing is probably in the gutter, stuck at the bottom of a bit of sewage.

Good. I don't want to revisit.

Damien is behind me. I can feel the heat of his body sliding closer until his arms encircle me. I'm still wearing his tee, it rides up slightly as he holds me tightly. A little bit of dried blood flakes off his arms, but I don't mind.

Before it had bothered me slightly how much I smell like him. He exposed I was. Now, I'm just comfortable. I've never really minded the sight of blood either.

He'll never do to me what I just witnessed Jasper do to his mate. At least not without a damn good reason. I can feel it deep in my bones.

"We gotta figure out what that is in her neck babe." A thrill shoots through me. 'Babe'. Goodness gracious that word sounds good coming from his lips.

The feeling is dampened when the rest of the sentence he spoke actually sinks in.


I notice Maze across the way, enfolded in Jax's arms like a fragile thing. She'd been making the same sounds as Aries a few minutes ago. Roman is speaking with them quietly.

It's strange that they had both cried out at the same time. Why those two? Does it have something to do with Killian at all? If that's the case then Why is Beatrix-Joy and I seemingly unaffected? Why did they both seem ok after an Alpha male held them? Does it have anything to do with their eye color? What-?

My inner line of questioning cut off by Damien reaching down to pick up the clothes and boots I'd dropped. He handed them to me, nodding for me to go outside. The opposite direction than the couple had gone.

I smile up at him, letting my gaze fill up with my emotions. The warm ones that are solely for him.

His intake of breath is harsh.

"Fuck, Char. Go get dressed before I do something in front of everyone that we don't want them to see."

My laughter fills the room.

If only he knew how little I care at the moment.

He's right. Maybe I'd care later. I don't want them looking at me like a piece of ass again.

I glance down at his muscled body. Appreciating the view for what it is.


I quirk a brow. Promising many many things before I turn away with my borrowed clothes. I caught his growl as I sashayed my way out the doors. Jax and Maze have already escaped.

I have no desire to follow them.

Okay... Maybe a little desire.

Like standing on the sidelines and being a cheerleader kinda desire.

That's weird though.

Don't watch people having sex if you can't let people do the same to you.

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