Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Therapist

Start from the beginning

It wasn't easy throughout college, as they went to different places, but they made it through and got married once he got his bachelor's degree. Ever since their jobs became stable, they have been trying to a child, but haven't found any luck.

Finally at her younger brother's place in the mid-morning, she knocked on the front white door. She hears the jangling of locks and saw the maid open the door.

"Hi, Danny called me and asked me to talk to Penelope."

"Oh, thank God!" the maid rejoiced. "She hasn't been herself for some time. She can barely get out of bed and eat. Recently, she wouldn't even come downstairs at all. She just spends her day sleeping or staring at the wall. I can't even image what she is thinking of."

Aubrey never knew that Penny was going through something like this. It could be due to homesickness, but she is not sure until she speaks to the young woman. "Well, I will try to do my best and help her. Can you show me her room?"

The maid nodded and guides Aubrey up the stairs and in front of a door. She knocked, "Penny, Dr. Aubrey Romano is here to see you. Can we come in?"

They heard a strangled groan, and she took that as a yes. The maid slowly opens the door and Aubrey took a good look around the room.

It was pretty clean. The floors were spotless, most likely due to the maid caring for the girl. Currently, on the nightstand there is a tray with a bowl of cereal that is most likely soggy and a glass of water. Both looked untouched.

The bed was a mess as well as the girl in it.

Red hair tied up into a messy bun. Wrinkled all black clothes that have been on longer than they needed too. The bedding is poked out from the edges and a pair of legs are exposed below.

The bed looked like a tornado went through it.

Penny was facing the door. She watched the as the two woman walked through the door. Penny used whatever energy she had to push herself up to talk to her guest.

"Hey, Penelope...can I call you Penny?" Aubrey asked. Penny nodded in agreement. "I came to see you. Danny called me and told me how you were missing auditions. He was really worried over the phone. He wished that you were here right now."

Aubrey finished talking and all that was left was silences. Penny was just looking down at her fingers, so she took the opportunity to sit down next to her on the bed. The maid also took this opportunity to give them their privacy.

"I am going to be honest right now because I think you deserve it. You look terrible right now and smell bad too." Aubrey smiled, trying to make everything more lighthearted. It worked a little because Penny let out a little laughing sigh. "Why don't you get out of bed and take a shower, hm? It is a start to feeling better... and smelling better too."

Penny stays still, but speaks quietly, "I don't know if I can. I just can't do anything." She takes a second to drop her head into her hand. Aubrey often sees this move in her patients when they are trying not to let her see them cry.

So, Aubrey takes a hold of her chin, and gently lifts her head so they can see eye to eye. Penny's hazel eyes are now on the verge of green as red laces throughout the white.

Penny was embarrassed to be seen this way. If her father saw her now, he would call her weak. She is even pretty sure Quentin would call her weak.

"It's okay Penny. I know that it feels awful right now, like a weight a pulling you down to the center of the earth. It is an awful feeling and I'm here to help. I will walk with you to the bathroom and stand wherever you want me to while you take your shower. You can even sit if you want to, but don't let yourself take a bath."

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