Author's Note

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Hey everyone. I have been stuck here at my house for a long while now and I am not happy with the stupid virus. But,We have to follow government rules. Also,I have been thinking about what I should write next. I think I may write a story that involves Tinker bell. Or Rouge the Bat. I mean that some people are good writers but I try not to copy anyone's ideas. Oh and I was able to see The Sonic the Hedgehog movie and it's really awesome. I can't wait for the next one. It's going to have Tails,Knuckles,Princess Sally Acorn,and yes Eggman is going to be bald in the next movie. Oh and Metal Sonic is rumored to be in it as well as Amy Rose 🌹. I'm pretty sure they are going with the Sonic CD video game and the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3 as well as Sonic and Knuckles video games. So yeah that's going to be awesome to see. Also I wanna give a shoutout to @Cyber-wolf and say thank you for writing the Sonya the Hedgehog book and congrats on you having 1,000+ followers.

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