Starfire X Male reader

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You lived in Jump City all your life and you was kinda bored with all the people there. You was never popular with the ladies, you was not really good at sports,you never had a girlfriend or any friends at all. You was about ready to end your life by jumping on a building shaped like a giant" T." However you didn't know that this was the headquarters of The Teen Titans. There was a beautiful red headed girl with orange skin and she was watching you and hoping you would not jump off the tower. But,you jumped and she flew down to save you. You thought you was heading to Heaven but you was disappointed that you wasn't dead. Starfire-" Sir,why did you jump off of the tower ? Is there something wrong?" You looked at her with a grim look. Y/N-"Pain and suffering is my only friends. I wanted to die so I wouldn't suffer any more." Starfire-" I do not understand. Are you not happy with your life ?" Y/N-" No Starfire,I am not. Not at all. I'm not popular with girls,I stink at sports,I get picked on all the time. I know you would understand that but....I'm not sure if you would want to be with a loser like me." She hugged you tightly. Starfire-"I'm here for you Y/N... I love you." You was shocked when she said that and she then kissed you passionately and you kissed her back passionately. She then looked into your eyes and blushed and smiled. You blushed and smiled too. Y/N-" Wanna go on a date with me Starfire?" Starfire-"Yes Y/N. I would love to. Let me put on a beautiful dress for you." She went back into the tower to put on a beautiful black dress. And she came back to you. Starfire-" What do you think Y/N?~"  Y/N-"Wow Starfire...You look beautiful." And with that you both went out on a date and you had a romantic dinner and some white wine to go with your dinner. She kept looking at you with her beautiful green emerald eyes. She was deeply in love with you and you was with her as well. It was almost midnight when you brought her back to the tower and you was about to head home but it started to storm so she let you to stay in the tower until tomorrow morning. And you said yes. She let you sleep with her in her bedroom. At first you didn't want to but she begged you and then you said okay. So you and Starfire slept in bed together just cuddling in each other's arms. The next morning Robin knew you were sleeping with Starfire and let you stay with The Teen Titans and Beast Boy,Raven,Cyborg and Starfire was happy you was a new member of The Teen Titans. So you decided to help fight crime and you and Starfire were always together for the rest of your lives.❤️THE END ❤️

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