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All the boys prayed to moon goddess to do something and close their eyes for their helplessness but they didn't heard any sound they opened their eyes to see swetha with red eyes holding Pavithra in her arms and the shield is also broken they don't no how she used her magic without Pavithra and was seeing her.

S:How dare you Hunter to hurt my sister and my nephew/niece I shouted at him with full anger it shakes the building and cracked.

All boys are stunned with the confession of swetha that Pavithra is pregnant.

S:I went to Ryan and handed pavi to him and glared at him made a shield for boys to not step out and freezed them on the spots

D:Swetha you may need our help let us

S:No it's my battle I will save them you guys just wait and watch it's my duty to join werewolf and vampires.

J:Hahaha nice joke we will never be together little angel you must have saved your sister but you can't save your friends see now with that I pushed all of them at once from the building.

Which made boys and swetha to shock to the core

D:Swetha let us you can't save everyone.

C:Yes swetha please see they all are pregnant swetha.

S:No shut up I will save them you have done a wrong thing Jay with that I used all my powers with ice power I made a bed like thing for Varuna to fall safely,with air power I stoped Dhivya falling in the mid air,and with nature's help I again made a bed like thing for keerthu with trees and I immediately went to bans and gayu and catched them at the last movement they fall down.

All boys were almost died when they saw bans and gayu state when they were near inch to the ground with their powers swetha saved them but she can't use bans and gayu power to save them because it was fire and rocks they all thank moon goddess and God to save their mates.

S:I went to Chris and gave bans to him,and gayu to Elle and went to varuna and took her from ice bed and gave her to alex and then went to  Dhivya and grabbed her and went to Ben and gave her and at last gave keerthu ma to Frank and I was about to leave

D:When swetha was about to leave I held her hand swetha I no you don't want my help you gave all their mates safe but will you give my mate safe promise me swetha.

S:I had tears in my eyes he is looking like a lost child surely I am angry now and Jay still doesn't no I am his sister so this may lead to me loosing my life or winning but no I am not going to loose this war I am a angel I need to help them so I promised him and guys they will get their concious now but I am their head angel I don't want them to get hurt in this battle so they are not allowded in this battle make sure of that with that I was about to leave but if I am loosing surely I will not meet my Dani here after so I want to enjoy a little with my mate to make some memories so I went to him and kissed him and hugged him for a last time and came out of the shield let's make them realise their mistake.

D:I don't no if I can see my swetha again but she has promised me I tried to follow her but this shield is not breaking

Then all girls got concious and shouted in pain the boys tried to stop them but nothing worked suddenly mg came and tend their wounds after everything was over the girls thought to help swetha but they can't dismiss her words.

C & R:Mg please break this shield we want to help swetha

Mg:No I can't do anything she is on her duty now.

D:Then why are you here now without helping us

Mg:It's time

D:What we can't understand.

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