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When they settled themselves someone phone started ringing all boys were startled but all had already switched of their mobiles so they were relieved and looked at girls.

Swetha:My phone is only ringing who is it at this time I asked and dropped my phones in the sofa and shouted it was call from my ma.

Bans & Varuna:What happened swetha why are you shouting.

Swetha:Guys it's my...

At that time another phone started ringing it was varunas mom she was about to attend the call.

Swetha:Noooo I said and snatched her phone

Again another phone started ringing it was bans mom she was also in video call

Swetha:No I said and snatched her mobile and started waking to and fro what will I do oh Krish what is this why are you playing with me.

Boys don't no who called them why swetha was nervous.

Dani:Why she is behaving weird and who is this Krish.

Chris and ryan:It's their God

Dani:Oh and why she is behaving like this.

All boys shrugged their shoulders.

Varuna & bans Swetha why you are not attending our mom calls.

Oh so it's their parents call but why she was not attending all boys were puzzled.

Swetha:Varuna & bans they are calling to wish you Varuna but in video call so

All boys have same though so what's her problem.

Swetha:Are you guys lost your mind they are calling us in video call and look at me what I am wearing it's a dress but my ma will not consider it and she will scold me what will I do I said and pouted.

All boys were like what for this small matter she is nervous.

Bans:Karma is a bitch baabbbyyyy I said stressing the word baby a lot to irritated her and I don't care what you  want i am going to attend the call.

Swetha:Yoooouuu I will see you later.

Bans:Why can't you see me now.

Boys were seeing bans and swetha fight like swetha to bans and bans to swetha if this follows their neck will be sprained for sure

Varuna:Swetha relax they are just calling me to wish me na I will attend the call and you bans stop your fight you can continue it later and swetha you go to your room I will tell your mom that you went to washroom.

Swetha:Bad idea Varuna till I come she will talk with you think something.

Varuna:Then I will say that you slept.

Swetha:She will not believe you because she no I will not sleep at this time some other idea.

Bans:For God sake swetha go and change your dress and come fast till that we will manage.

Swetha:Awwws baby you always solve my problem in a minute wait I will change and come I said and started to walk to my room and suddenly realising something I turned and said I can't.

Boys were laughing at their ideas but in this situation also swetha can't stop teasing bans when finally she went to change her dress she turned and said I can't what she mean by that.

Swetha:I can't change my dress bans I said and bend down my head.

Bans & Varuna:Why you can't change your dress.

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