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B:Ok swetha what are we going to do next

S:Nothing much baby just eating food,icecream and chilling.

B:Aaahhhhh be serious once in your lifetime swetha and don't you dare call me baby.

S:Aaahhh you hurt me baby with your words I said pointing to my heart.

V:Swetha enough be serious

S:I am not a patient Varuna to be serious and what i said is true I am going to chill for sometime then only my brain will get some rest and will work properly who are all with me

Girls didn't said anything.

S:Ok your wish I am going with that I went to living room and selected our favourite hero song.

All girls went behind her and boys who were about to go to swetha's room but stopped in their tracks seeing all girls in the living room.

When the song amigo started to play,

D:What is this song it's coming from living room and this guys went before 10 minutes where are they let me go and check.

S:Final time I am asking you girls are you in

They all said no

S: Then its your wish with that I started dancing.

D:When I went there I was surprised to see swetha dancing she is dancing nicely but why she is dancing.

S:I started dancing and after sometime dragged all the girls and we all are dancing wait girls let's do something we all will dance for our favourite songs ok all accepted and I started dancing to my favorite and when I saw Chris and Ryan I dragged them and we three danced like that all girls danced and in all our song selection bans was epic because it was a attitude song after that we all are exhausted and sat on couch.

B:Sorry swetha for scolding you di now I feel very light

V:Yes di

P:Akka I thought you have became mad with your suggestion but you are cool.

Here all boys was shocked with girls carefree attitude even after their presence.

S:It's my way of reliving stress ok girls all go and have a bath then we will have our lunch. I said and was about to go to my room but when I saw Dani my smirk came back and went towards him what dear hubby are you feeling that your wife have gone mad I asked him by circling my arms in his neck.

D:I was surprised with swetha's closeness when I was about to hold her she moved from me immediately.

S:Not so soon hubby did you forget my kick that soon don't ever underestimate me it's just the begining just wait and watch I will show you hell with that I winked at him and went to my room.

D:Ahhh this girl is teasing me a lot and playing with the fire.

All boys laughed looking at Dani.

D:Shut up with that I sat on the living room couch.

All girls came down after their bath and all had their lunch.

S:Ok now I want icecream

V:Swetha there is no ice cream here we have to go and buy it.

S:Ok common girls let's go.

D:No you girls are not going anywhere.

S:Who are you to say that and I will go you can't stop me.

D:No you girls please be here Chris,Ryan you guys go and get it for them.

C:Ok alpha.

S:I am also coming with you guys.

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