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Next day,

S:Girls with this book we can do a pendent to stop our mate power so all of you start working and at last in all pendants our all power should be used ok.

All girls at Union said yes swetha but for that we want some items

S:Ok me and bans will go and buy just give us the list and also give us a grocery list bans come out we have a work.

B:What work di.

S:All boys can identify our car so just we will change it with our powers

While shopping swetha received a call from Chris & Ryan.

S:Yeah guys what you want.

C:Swetha we want to talk with you please can you come to the place I tell you.

S:Ok fine with that I went to my house

In that tension all girls forgotten to apply the solution.

P:Akka we finished making the pendent just we all have to use our powers and try it

S:Ok then

All the girls used their powers and was about to wear it.

S:No girls we have to check it

B:Then who will wear it.

S:I will wear it with that I weared it.

After sometime they all were about to eat their lunch.

S:Girls where is keerthu ma

Dh:She went to get notes from her friend.

S:When she went.

V:Don't worry swetha Pavithra is also with her

G:One hour before Akka.

B:What why did you girls left them alone.

S:Wait girls something is wrong they are not here and Chris asked me to meet me today it's like some trap wait let me check with that I started seeing visions. Oh S*** girls..........

At that time boys smirked for their plan and they only captured Pavithra and keerthu because today is the full moon day now all boys are outside the girls house.

D:Baby I no you no everything now either you come out or let us in or your beautiful sister will be carrying their babies

V:Whaaattt are they crazy

Dh:Swetha we have to save them

S:Arrrggg I will kill that jerk today with that said I was about to storm out.

B:No swetha we should plan something.

D:No my beautiful wifey don't try to act smart because I have captured your another sister.

S:What where is gayu.

G:Akka when he said that I came out and now only I came to no we all didn't apply the solution Akka(Mindlink)

F:What solution you are talking about Ms.Gayu.

D:I will give you ten minutes swetha come out

S:Girls we can't plan anything either I will go out now and dare you girls are not stepping out and I am going to test this pendent with that I came out.

D:Finally baby you obeyed me ok break this dam shield now.

S:No I can't what will you do

D:I will not do anything baby Ryan,Frank and Elle will do their work that is to make your sisters pregnent.

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