Part Fifty One

Comincia dall'inizio

Derek appeared five minutes later with a tray of coffee, "you've definitely cheered him up, he needed this."

Martha smiled, "I can't imagine how he feels. Where are they now?"

Derek smiled, "out in the garden, there's a lot to see out there. "

"Got a newspaper or anything? Have the feeling they're going to be a while."

Half an hour later they came back, both beaming, Ethan carrying a huge toy car.

"Grandad said I can have this."

Martha smiled, "that is amazing! But maybe we should leave it here as we've got to get the train, to London."

"You're taking him away?" Michael sounded desperate.

She shook her head, "we just left in a rush, we need to go back and sort things."

"You're coming back."

Sighing Martha looked at the older man, "to be honest I never thought this would happen, I know that losing Scott has devastated you, but that's the only reason we're here." When he nodded she added, "I have to decide what's best for us, it's not as simple when you've got to think of Ethan. All he knew until this week was London and my godmother."

"If there's any way I can help?"

Smiling sadly she shook her head, "this is one time when money won't give us the answers."

Sonny was showered and ready to leave, he planned to give the house a wide berth all day, after all there was no saying that he could have a dignified conversation with Carl anymore, and Martha was right, antagonising him, arguing, it wouldn't help. But it didn't make it easier to deal with. He'd put his feelings out there, and to Sonny there wasn't much going back. He'd fought the rejection all his life and now the man who'd started this, who'd made him believe that he was good enough to be a part of a family had snubbed him, told him that he was scum, that he didn't deserve all that had been gifted him. He hadn't asked for it, hadn't wanted anyone to single him out, to make him feel that he was better than he was. And this was why.

The restaurant was fully booked that evening, and he and Martha hadn't finished things there the night before, so he planned to get there tidy up, prepare for the evening, then spend the afternoon relaxing, at the bookies, maybe the pub. But before that he had a date with a large breakfast at the cafe in town.


He'd made it as far as the kitchen door, was about to leave the farm with little intention of being there until Martha returned when the voice stopped him. Turning slowly he saw Carl stood in the doorway from the hallway, a serious expression on his face.

Sonny sighed, "I don't want to argue with you Carl."

The other man nodded, "I agree, but you have to see my side of things, surely?"

"I love Martha Carl, I can't change that, and there's no other side to it, not really. Now I'm going to work. If you need anything call. Martha's in London."

He left him stood where he was in the room; he had no intention of getting into discussions with Carl now. He was missing Martha, she would help sort things out, she was right, without her he was volatile. He could feel his anger mounting at the thought that Carl presumed he could dictate the life of two adults.

Outside he could breathe again.

The cafe never failed to disappoint, it was like the hub of the town, so many secrets were revealed, gossip discussed and deals struck over mugs of often insipid tea and greasy breakfast. Today was no exception, though he presumed that he was the topic of conversation as it became eerily quiet when he walked in. He knew most people in town, he'd been there long enough, but was happy to sit alone, he wasn't exactly great company.

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