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Bad Liar- Imagine Dragons

"Aish. Jimin can you stop.",I said pushing Jimin away.

"Oh come on. Let's be a couple.",Jimin said with a teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes and kept on walking straight ahead.

It was the last day of high school and I was kind of glad to get rid of Jimin.

"Oh I got accepted to Global Cyber University.",Jimin told me with a huge smile.

"What?!",I asked.

"What?",Jimin asked with a worried face.

Are you kidding me?!

"Kookie are you okay?",Jimin asked waving his hand at my face.

"Yeah. I'm happy for you.",I said with a smile kind of glad that I didn't tell Jimin that I would be going to the same university.

Oh well it's not going to be that bad. Jimin walked next to me again and grabbed my hand.

"Can you stop that nerd?",I said pushing Jimin's glasses to his face.

Jimin gave a pout and let go. We arrived at school and everyone started greeting Jimin. It was kind of weird since Jimin wasn't that popular but then I noticed a new trophy on the school's trophy case.

"Me and my team won it.",Jimin said with a smile grabbing onto my arm.

I pushed Jimin's arm away. Why was he always so clingy?

"Glad to see you have other friends.",I said.

"Yeah but you're my best friend forever.",Jimin said clinging to my arm AGAIN.

"Jimin please stop clinging to me. It's annoying.",Jungkook said a bit too loudly.

"Aish don't be loud. Okay I'll stop.",Jimin said and stopped clinging onto me.

Summer vacation passed quickly and I had now arrived at my dorm.

"Ah it's time to start fresh.",I said cracking my fingers.

I entered my dorm,quickly go into the kitchen, and glance in the bedroom where I hear pencil taps and hoped for a cool roommate instead I find Park Jimin in one of the beds reading a book.

Someone has fucked up and that someone is the one who gave us this room. I silently scream and walk inside.

"Jungkookie?",Jimin asked when seeing me.

"Hey.",I say and close my eyes already expecting his clinginess.

"Jungkookie!",Jimin yells, going down the bed and engulfs me in a hug. I slowly push him off.

"What luck?! I didn't know you were going to the same university as me!",Jimin said with a huge smile.

"Where are your glasses nerd?",I asked.

"I'm using contacts now.",Jimin said with a shrug.

I chuckle although he did look different without his black thick glasses. His hair had also grown and he looked better I guess. He still dressed weirdly.

"Well I have to go to my first class.",I said leaving my stuff on my side of the bedroom.

The bedroom had with two beds on each side, the rest of the dorm had a small kitchen, and a bathroom with a shower and sink. There was even two closets. It had only been months and Jimin had changed a bit too much but I have also changed since i've been working out.

He was skinnier and his cheeks weren't as chubby. He had side bangs as well which was new.

"Jungkookie why did you never come and visit me?",Jimin said when I was about to leave the room. I stared at him and noticed he didn't use much eye liner anymore.

"Uh I was busy.",I said with a small smile.

"You're so tall now.",Jimin said walking towards me.

I took a step back and shrugged.

"I'm going to be late.",I said even though I really wasn't.

Jimin stared at me and gave a small smile.

"When you come back we can catch up.",Jimin said going back to his bed.

"Don't you have class?",I ask.

"Yeah in like 30 minutes.",Jimin said reading his book.

"You haven't changed a bit Nerd.",I say with a laugh.

"I see you haven't either.",Jimin says with a giggle.

I walk out the room and head to my class. The university is crowded and I take my time to get to class.

I arrive in class and take a seat in the back as always.

I sigh in class and barely pay attention. I had finally gotten rid of his clinginess and now I have to go over it again. I hope he really finds friends to cling onto although they'll probably have the same issue as me.

Why does such things happen to me?

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