
Sirius placed a blanket over him.


He gently placed a pillow next to him, leaning his body over.


Sirius then lifted Remus a tiny bit, shuffling underneath of him so the lanky boy was cuddled on his lap.

"Sirius!" He shouted.

"Yes?" He asked, looking at him with big, steel coloured eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Sirius stroked his hair, "Cuddling."

"I'm fine," Remus lied.

"Moony," he said gently to the omega, "You're not alright. You almost just got forcefully marked, and by someone who isn't even your mate."

"So your saying that it's okay as long as it's your mate?" Remus said, voice cracking.

God, why was he so emotional right now?

"No, it's just that omegas don't take kindly to it."

Remus sighed, planting his head in the alphas chest, "Can we not talk about this?"

Sirius shoved a chocolate frog in Remus' mouth, "On it."

Remus let his head fall against Sirius' chest as he hand fed him chocolate. He knew that it was a natural reaction for an alpha to do such a thing after what would be a traumatic event, but to be honest, Remus was used to things like this happening. It was Sirius babying him that was making him feel all gooey and weak inside.

"You're turning 18 soon," he said, "so Prongs is probably going to throw you a party."

"I know," he smiled, "I wonder what he'll do."

"He's probably going to line every student in Hogwarts up like you did on your 18th birthday to try and find. . . ," Remus' voice caught, "Your mate."

". . . Truth be told, Moony, I'm fine with what I have right now. . . ," he said, "if you'd still want to date me."

"Of course I want to date you, Padfoot," he said, "I just. . . I don't like it when you baby me and get so protective and jealous."

Sirius frowned, "Why not? That's my job as your alpha?"

"I just feel a little overwhelmed," he said. 

"I guess I can be a little overbearing," Sirius said shamefully.

"It makes me feel all gooey inside," he admitted, "like, I actually want to cry."

"Why is that so bad?" He asked.

Remus bit his lip, "I don't like feeling weak."

"It doesn't make you weak," he said.

Remus sighed, letting his muscles relax as Sirius spoke softly to him.

"You know," he mumbled, "I'm the only one whose going to see you cry. It doesn't make you weak to trust me."

"How are you and James such goofs," he laughed a little, "while being so gentle?"

"You're different, Moony," he told him.

Remus cuddled closer to the shorter boy, hoping that he was his mate. He wasn't ready to give Sirius away. He couldn't.

Sirius pressed a kiss to his head, rubbing circles on his back. Remus tried to get closer.

Sirius wanted so badly for Remus to be his. He had wanted him to be his mate since second year when they had gotten 'the talk.' It sounded magical, and he remembered grinning like an idiot as he thought about Moony.

He liked holding his hand. He liked kissing him, and hugging him. He liked looking at him.

He liked Moony a lot, a lot, a lot.

Dare he say that he loved him?

Remus struggled to shift, seeing as how hard Sirius was cuddling him. He didn't really mind that he was cuddling up with Padfoot in his bed. It was warm and fluffy.

Maybe a little too warm.

He laid on his side, using Sirius like a giant, warm, teddy bear pillow.


James couldn't get his mind off of Regulas. His yelling, then the danger he was in, and then his lips. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and for the first time, he was quiet.

He had already told Dumbledore about the attack, so that was out of the way.

"What's wrong, Prongs?" Remus asked him.

"Just thinking," he said.

James looked around, sensing how boring the class was.

"Padfoot," he said, "I'm bored."

"Hi bo-"

"Padfoot," he groaned.

Him and Peter laughed at James reaction to his pun.

"But seriously," he said, "I'm bored and it's going to be another few days until Halloween, and then your birthday!"

He got a few shushes.

"Lets just worry about Halloween for now, okay?" Peter said.

James smacked his head against the table, "But Wormtail!"

"I. . . I kind of only want it to be us?" He said hesitantly.

"But what about finding your mate?" James said.

"I'm fine with not finding them, to be honest," he admitted.

James smirked, leaning into Sirius and whispering, "Unless it's Moony?"

Sirius blushed, whispering back, "Unless it's Moony."

"Stop whispering to each other and let us in on the secret," Peter whined.

"Yeah," Remus teased, "if you're going to distract me, then at least talk to me."

James and Sirius shared at each other, smiling. Sirius held out his hand, sticking out his pinky. James interlocked his with his best friends.

Remus poked Sirius, "Tell me your secret."

"On my birthday," he pecked his cheek.

A few people who were watching the rowdy bunch quickly looked away. Most didn't care, some were glad that the two finally got together and a few were sad that it wasn't them.

Remus blushed, "I thought you said you weren't ready to come out?"

"Oh trust me, I'm dying on the inside," he said, "but that dickhead Jonathon keeps staring at you."

Remus went red, "O-oh. Thanks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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