Kirby: "oh shit!" She knows she'd needs to kill it before it gets into town so it won't hurt the cappies.

Kirby yanks the star off her necklace and throws it on the ground. It's gets bigger and dadadaaa the warp star yeee. She jumps on then flys to the monster. Sword and Blade are following her as fast as they can to help. But obviously flying is faster so she gets there first. She holds Metas sword then absorbs it's power and becomes sword Kirby. She flys above the monster then jumps off the warp star and attacks over head. This looks super cool. She hits the demon beast with her sword and it yells in pain. Now wolf warth is pissed and they start fighting. The beast is slashing Kirby with its claws but she reflects every hit. The fighting is hard and draining but she thinks of Meta and fights harder. Kirby notices that up the hill is a river, she has a plan. She runs over closer to the river.

Kirby: "come her doggy come and get me!!!" She yells and pats her legs

Wolf wrath throws a fire ball and she dodges it. It then runs to her, her plan worked. By now Sword and Blade are making their way. Kirby keeps running with the monster chasing her then her warp star fly's over and she jumps on. The monster is near the rivers edge now. Sword and Blade are behind the demon beast and Kirbys just chilling above it on the warp star. Sword and Blade then try to get wolf wrath into the water because water is it's weakness. Bc water>fire yes ok so they are trying to push it off the edge and the monsters back leg falls in. It's working, then Sword and Blade try to stab it in further and Kirbys throwing sword beams at it. The monster has no where to go but deeper into the river and is being forcibly stabbed into the water. Then boom wolf wraths full body is in the water and everything  starts to steam. This is Kirbys chance to kill. She jumps off the warp star and cuts the demon beast in half. It looks very cool. Now Kirby is in the river and the demon beast is dead. And just like in the show there's a bunch of werid stuff and the monster disappears.

Kirby: "Yaaay!"

Sword and Blade high five woot woot

Kirby: "I'm going to go see how Metas doing" she says and gets back on the warp star and flys to Tiff and Tuffs house

Sword: "I think she's very good for him"

Blade: "yes I agree"

Kirby gets to Tiffs room house place as fast as she can to make sure her mans alright. She runs in and sees Meta is awake.

Kirby: "OH thank GOD" and says running up and hugging him. Awe so cute

Tuff: "yeah you did it Kirby!"

Meta: "why are you soaking wet?"

Kirby: "I jumped in a river for you, and I can't swim" thank the lord it was shallow

Meta: "..uh thanks" what

Tiff: "that's all you have to say to the person who saved you?"

Meta: "fine, I would be dead without you" then hugs Kirby again

Tiff: "still not good enough"

Meta: "thank you for saving my life?"

Kirby: "it needs to be more sincere"

Meta: "fine is this good enough?" Take off his mask and kisses Kirby

Kirby: "................yes" is now embarrassed

Tiff: :)

Tuff: "ew"

(Sir Ebrum and Lady Like r just chillin idk what to do with them)

Metas thoughts: she taste like river... what ever river taste wet a taste?

Kirby: :)

Meta: ......

Everyone else: .......

The atmosphere is a wee bit awkward after that...

Tiff: "should we do something about the fire in the castle?"

Kirby: "nah it's not our problem"

Meta: "that's what waddle dees are for"

*the waddle dees distinguish the fire*

So it's like 10 at night and the fires gone. Sword and Blade made it back after 20 minutes of having to walk back to the room in the castle from being by the river. They are now in Tiffs house with everyone else.

Sword: "META!" He says and runs over to pick him up

Blade: "don't scare us like that ever again!"

Meta: "put me down!!" He says and is being squirmy trying to break free but Sword won't let go

Blade: "did you know you are very light?"

Sword: "yes Blade I know what you mean now" he says still holding Meta

Meta: >:( but under a mask "PUT ME DOWN"

Sword: "yeeesh" then puts him down

Just like in the show: everyone just laughs in the end even tho nothing funny happens


I'm going to end it there but this is what's to come in the next chapter....dun da da daaa a ball yay like a fancy dance so hope u all look forward to that. well the next chapters gonna start with the introduction of it but the actual thing won't be till a while so get ready for some 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮


Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя