Chapter 21

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[okay I have some place to be so this is gonna be a short quicke!]

~Monica POV

Oh my freaking god! Sydney what have you done to yourself?! No, no, no I said I wanted you to leave but not like this. Not like this! What am I gonna do? I don't know when this happened! Where's Chanel? Oh right she said she had some business to attend. A true wife, to leave her husbands case to got take care of some damn business?! I turned to Diggy and he looked worried and sad. Yea this b*tch got on my f*cking nerves with her foolishness but still she's my sister, yea step, but it still counts! I looked at Sydney's eyes bulging out while she was there surrounded by blood. I heard the blaring of police cars, Diggy called them. Was it herself? Or was it somebody else? I didn't hear anything last night.....well I was too busy yelling and moaning to notice but still. I turned to Diggy and cried. I don't know but something came over me and I cried until he stopped me.

Diggy- stop crying

Me- your supposed to support me, not tell me to stop!

Diggy- no it's alright to cry but don't you think it's time to let them go?

Me- let who go?

Diggy- them.

Me- huh?

Diggy- your father and Sydney

Me- what do you mean? I let them go, that's why their not here with me right now!

Diggy- I mean they left you physically but they gotta go from inside you

Me- he's my dad, Diggy, what would you do if your dad died?

Diggy- I'd be sad but I'd be happy too because he's in gods hands now.

Me- I know......but still.

Diggy- maybe they left for a reason, they left because god thought it was their time.

Me- Sydney's 13, she hasn't even had time to live

Diggy- well yeah, but don't you think she's happy now?

Me- maybe......

Diggy- okay baby girl

~Zee POV

Lalalallalalalalallalalal, Elmo's world! LOL I'm so random but in the previous chapter I said my middle name was some thing that started with a P, it's actually Michelle! But for real it is! Writer get it straight next time! But I'm walking to MB's house! I walked in and saw prodigy and the trick was gone.

Me- where is everybody?

Prod- I dunno, but I they left me alone.

Me- oh so imma leave then! Bye!

Prod- wait, zee

Me- what!?

Prod- I'm sorry

Me- 'bout?

Prod- how I did you.

Me- that's your problem

Prod- no it's our problem

Me- so your the stupid ass that cheated

Prod- I'm sorry okay she was my hit it and quit it girl

Me- so you used her?

Prod- maybe

Me- like you used me?

Prod- I ain't use you

Me- but you wanted to

Prod- no, I like you!

Me- I did too, but not anymore

Prod- did I say like?

Me- yes

Prod- nope, I meant to say.....

Me- say what!?

Prod- that I don't like you

Me- okay get the f*ck on then!

Prod- I meant to say I don't like you! I love you.

Me- no you don't!

Prod- *kissed me passionately and then put me on the couch and started to feel on me*

Me- this is not the right time Prodigy!

Prod- *kissed my neck*

Me-*let out a soft moan* mmmm

Prod-*about to take off my shirt when the boys walked in*

Ray- ey, prod we brought chick-what are y'all doing?

Roc- ey, you bettah-*saw prod and zee* get a room!

Prince-*came in laughing* ey y'all crayy! What's going on?

Ray- getting their freak on!

Prince- ew!

Me- whatever, prod lets go to your room!

Prod- yes ma'am *left*

Ray-* whispered* they gonna get freaky tonight!

Boys- *started to laugh*

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