Chapter 18

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~Monica POV

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD!!! I hope he found out! Thank ya Jesus!

Me-For real! Who?

Police- umm can you come to the station?

Me- uh why not though the phone?

Police- is there people around you?

Me- yea

Police- then no

Me- aww why?

Police- so you don't wanna find out then?

Me- okay fine! I'm on my way!

Police- okay (hangs up)

Me- you guys, I have to go.

Zee- why!?

Me- long story, but bye you guys

Everybody- bye!

I drove to the police station and I saw a police man and he was waiting for me.

Me- okay I'm here!

PM (police man)- walk into the office

Me- okay (walks in)

PM- okay we have some ideas of who did it.

Me- who

PM- his partner.

Me- and that is.

PM- Reginald

Me- Reggie?

PM- yes

Me- but that can't be, Reggie was always cool with my dad.

PM- they could have argued about the money, remember.

Me- yea.....but still

PM- and there's somebody else.

Me- who

PM- this Sydney girl

Me- ..........oh

PM- yea that's it for now.

Me- okay good bye

PM- bye

I walked doubtful, how could Sydney do this. Wait he wasn't sure, Sydney couldn't do this to herself........or to me, maybe me but still. I went to my house, I wanted to be alone.

~Zee POV

I went over to Prince, he's like my brother and I wanted to talk to him, about Prod.

Me- hey can we talk?

Prince- sure, my room.

Me- okay

( walked to his room)

Prince- okay wassup

Me- its Prodigy

Prince- what about him?

Me- its

Prince- oh, Rachel

Me- yea, her

Prince- eh, she's cool, I guess

Me- there's something about her.....I dunno

Prince- you still digging him?

Me- have other people on my mind

Prince- may I ask, who?

Me- uh........Roc

Prince- ohhhhhhh

Me- yea, hey thanks for the talk

Prince- anytime.

Me- bye * left*

~Prince POV

Damn, is she a cutie when she's mad. Too bad she crushing on Roc, still, she's hot.

~Roc POV

I saw Zee walk out. She looked worried. I saw her eyes land on prodigy, then on Rachel, then on me, she looked at me smirked, said good bye and left, I decided to go talk to her outside.

Me- hey hold up!

Zee- what?

Me- you busy tomorrow?

Zee- not really

Me- I was wondering if we could go on a date, not date date but to chill a while.

Zee- sure, bye!

Me- bye!


~Diggy POV

I saw Monica walk in, give Syd a death stare, and walk to her room. I heard the click of her heels as she walked away. I looked at Sydney and her stomach looked sideways.

Me- wats up with ur belly

Syd- (looked down) uh notin (try's to cover it)

Me- (walked over and touched her stomach and it felt soft) wth?

Syd- stop Diggy

Me- (lifted her shirt) wtf? A pillow?

Syd- uhhh.......Diggy

Me- your not pregnant

Syd- I am, I just......

Me- no your not, I'm out of here.

Syd- baby, please

Me- I'm not your baby!

Syd- I can explain!

Me- no you can't, eff this!

And I walked away, shit!

~Sydney POV

Ugh, so I got busted, I don't care, but just as long as I get away with my other shit, I'm good in da neighborhood!

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