Chapter 4

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~Monica Pov

Me-OMG! what am i going to do?!

Dad-don't worry Monica i'm sure he won't find you

Me-what do you mean he's not going to find me?! Of course he is!

Dad-no he won't!

Me-yes he will (felt like she wanted to cry)

Dad-baby i'll priotect you i'm your father after all

Me-(sniffed) okay

Das-see you later


"i walked down to hte basment b/c i was so excited to see diggy, the more i saw him the more i liked him"

Me-*smiled* hey diggy

Diggy-oh hey Ms.Monica

Me-can you please stop calling me that?

Diggy-sorry it's just because-GCO

Me-of my dad?

Diggy-*slightly smiled* sorta

Me-don't wory about him

Diggy-i mean he wasa kind enough to give me a job i don't want to blow it

Me-can i ask you something?


Me-if you were this huge celebrity then why are you here working?

Diggy-my whole family went broke and i'm trying to get enough money so we can rise back to the top

Me-oh i get it

Diggy-now can i ask you a question?


Diggy-who's Eric?

Me-*sighed* i'll tell you later but i have to go t-GCO

Diggy-are you busy today


Diggy-i wanted to take you somewhere ya know to sorta chill

Me-*smiled* i'd love that

Diggy-kay you gonna change?

Me-duh can't have you outdressing me!

Diggy-*laughed* okay

" i went took a shower and put on a shirt that had hello kitty with nerd glasses,some black skinny jeans, hot pink and black adidas, pink nerdglasses, and some gold hoop earrings and i walked down satirs"

Diggy-you look.......great

Me-thanks you look good yourself


Dad-where do you think your going Monica?

Me-me and Daniel are going to go chill somewhere

Dad-and who gave you permission?

Me-daddy please! If it was Tyler you wouldn't be saying anything!

Dad-*sighed* be back by 10!


"we got in the car and we arrived to this resturant"

Me-how did you afford this?

Diggy-i saved up my paychecks so i could bring you here

Me-You didnt have to d that! You and your family need it!

Diggy-i still ahve some left over for them

Me-*smiled* okay i guess

Diggy-comeon sit!

Me-okay *sat down*

Diggy-*sat down too* i never asked you how old are you?

Me-i'm 15 what about you?

Diggy-i'm 17

Me-oh when's you birthday?

Diggy-March 21st you?

Me-April 12th

Diggy-thats next week

Me-*grinned* i know

Diggy-well do you have any siblings?

Me-only my step sister-Sydney

Diggy-you seem like yall don't get along

Me-*shrugged* i mean she's like 13 and she thinks she's etter than everybody else just b/c last year she became rich b/c her mom married my dad

Diggy-oh i have 5 siblings


Diggy-well one of my sister's is adopted

Me-oh cool she must be a lucky girl to have a brother like you

Diggy-*laughed* i don't know about all that

Me-have you ever had a girlfriend?

Diggy-yea used to

Me-what's her name?

Diggy-Carcey (car-c)

Me-oh why did yall break up?

Diggy-i dunno it's just she's the jelous type she wouldn't let me talk to anygirl excapt for her best friend


Diggy-you never told me why you and your boyfriend broke up

Me-he slept with my bestfriend

Diggy-thats harsh

Me-i know

Diggy-can i tell you somehting?

Me-what is it?

Diggy-your a great girl

Me-*smiled* thanks your a great guy

Diggy-and i'm always thinking about you

Me-*blushed* well i think about you at times too


Me-yup your like so cute

Diggy-your cute too

Me-thank you!

Diggy-so i wanted to tell you that i like you

Me-*smiled* i like you too

Diggy-(about to lean in)

?-Hey Monica!

" iTurned and saw Eric.......................



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