Chapter 7: The Double Date

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Annie looks across the bedroom and giggles at the sight of me trying to fix my hair. She places her book down and comes over to help me. I tease and tug at my hair but it just wont stay up. She sweeps the comb out of my hand and pinches my cheeks like a little child, which deserves a swatting from me. "Oh. Could little Katniss not get her hair to work?" She says in a baby voice. "Oh be quiet." I say, then let out a huff and pull my legs up to my knees. I pull a face and pretend to be mad at Annie, but it doesn't work for long as Annie begins making silly faces at me in the mirror. She sticks her tongue out and crosses her eyes, with brings a fit of laughter up my lungs.

Today is our big date with the boys. I suppose you wouldn't call it a big date, it's just a day trip out. We have no idea as to where we are going though. The boys insisted on keeping it a secret, despite our week long-pleadings. They said we'd just have to trust them, but Finnick hinted whatever it is we'd love it. I sit on my bed with a mirror in front of me as Annie untangles my mess of hair. She hums quietly as she works, twisting it this way and that. I sit silently as she works, thoughts running through my mind.

"Hey Katniss." She speaks up, breaking the silence that settled over our apartment.

"Yes?" I say.

"Is this what it's like to have a sister?" My breath slows as I contemplate what she just said. This whole college experience has been very overwhelming, but its always been tugging at the back of my mind. I try hiding it from myself, but  know I just don't want to face the truth. I miss Prim; a lot. And now that I think about it, she was the best sister a girl could have. We used to stay up late talking about gossip until my dad would come in and tell us to go to bed. I helped her get ready for her High School Prom. We were so close.

"I suppose it is." I say quietly, then I turn around and grab Annie's hand. "And you know what, you'd make a great sister." I whisper to her. She smiles at me, tears brimming her eyes, and then continues to work on my hair. By the time it's done she's twisted it into an updo, pulling my hair off my neck. "Wow Annie, you are the master of hair." Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and she begins to work on her own hair.

By the time the boys arrive at our apartment (we were actually brave enough to have them pick us up and not not meet them somewhere,) it's around 3 in the afternoon. We hear a firm knock on our door and I grab my purse and jacket, Annie following quickly behind me. We open it together, and laugh off our nerves. The boys stand there fixing their clothes, then a smile creeps up their faces when they see us. They're dressed in more casual clothes, so I figure we aren't going anywhere fancy.

Peeta steps forward with his hand outstretched. "My lady." He says taking my hand. I giggle and take it willingly. "You ready to go?" I look back at Annie and she nods as she loops her arm in Finnick's

"Yup." I reply. Peeta rests his hand in mine and I feel butterflies go through my stomach. I try to hide it though, and let Annie and Finnick file in front of us so he can show us to his car.

We hop in, Finnick and Annie in front; Peeta and I in the back. "So where are you taking us?" I ask from behind the driver's seat. "You'll see." He replies mischievously, and we head off. I gaze out the window as we drive off of campus and towards the city. I get slightly nervous as we enter traffic and start working our way through big city buildings. I marvel at the sight, considering I only came through actual Richmond when I first arrived here.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?"Annie says.

"Come on guys, have faith in me. I grew up here!" He says with a toothy grin. Just to prove his point he steps on the gas and throws us back in our seats. I huff at him, but let out a laugh. We start slowing down near some cute buildings, and I'm starting to think we are going to park, but at the last second Finnick turns on a highway that leads us towards a big bridge. I raise my eyebrows at Peeta and he just laughs at the sight.

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