Chapter 5: Teachers Pet

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"So how would you correct this sentence?" The professor asks, pointing his stick to the chalkboard. His eyes scan the weary classroom and he sighs. People tap their pencils on their notebooks, some have their heads on the table, while others just simply refuse to answer the question. "Anyone?" He says, clearly annoyed.

I lean back in my chair and bite my tongue. Then my hand slowly reaches into the air. "Yes! Ms. Everdeen, again."

"Change the -ed to -ing to coincide with the rest of the verbs." I say knowingly.

"Correct." He replies. He fixes the sentence on the board then walks over to his book to check on the rest of his lesson. Suddenly a look of upset comes across his face. He closes his book and places his pencil down, then looks us straight in the eye. Everyone sits up in their seat. "You students go to Mellark University! I expect you to act like it." and with that he dismisses the class with a wave of his hand and a grunt.

Everyone silently gathers their things and walks out. As usual I am the last one to leave. "Ms. Everdeen! Please come see me." Professor Crane calls from his desk. My heart jumps into my throat and I nod. I walk over to his desk and shift my books in my hands. "You wanted to see me sir?" He places down his book and looks me straight in the eye. His oddly trimmed beard is looking more intimidating than ever. I'm starting to get ready for a scolding when suddenly a smile spreads across his face. "You are a very intelligent student. You always know the answer and turn in your work on time. You have one of the highest grades in the class. I can see how you got into this school. Keep up the good work." I am shell-shocked, but I nod quickly and thank him, scampering out of his classroom.

I turn the corner heading towards the exit of the building when suddenly I bump head first into someone's bag. "Hey watch where you're going." An annoyed voice calls out. "Sorry." I mumble rubbing my forehead, embarrassed by my clumsiness. A girl with short, spikey brown hair, and brown wide eyes turns around to face me. "Oh well if it isn't Miss Teacher's Pet." I recognize her as a student from my Writing class, someone who always sits in the back. I had just assumed that she was shy, but I now know I was completely mistaken. "I'm Katniss Ever..."

She cuts me off with a dismissal of her hand. "I know who you are, no need for a vindication. I was just teasing, don't act like you've seen a ghost. It is true though. All the teachers love you." She bats her eyelashes for emphasis. I bite my tongue as I don't know how to reply. "Well I'm Johanna Mason, by the way. Live across the hallway from ya." I reach out and shake her hand. She has a firm grip, that keeps me from cringing at the pain. After we let go she gives me one long, last stare. Then turns around and walks out of the building, her eyes trailing me. I can't help but shake the weird feeling she gave me.

After exiting the building I walk over and hop in my car. I sigh as I start it up, thinking over what Johanna said. I suppose I am a teachers pet, but that's not really a bad thing, right? At least I get good grades and know what I'm doing. After I pull out onto the road to head back home I feel a tug at my stomach. A frown crosses over my face as I remember I forgot to offer Annie a ride after class. But I guess I was just to busy; didn't see her walking anyways.

As I walk up the stairs to my apartment I pass room 315, and decide that must be where Johanna Mason lives. Wonder why I haven't heard anything from her. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention enough. 

I walk into my room and see Annie relaxed out on the couch, with her head buried into some piece of paper. I give her a puzzled look as I set my books down on the kitchen counter. I don't mean to pry but I can't help but blurt out "Whacha got there?"

Annie hands the paper over to me so I can study it myself. "It seems that we've been invited to a party. That boy who ran into me the other day, Finnick, came up to me after class and gave that to me. He's hosting a party at his place this Saturday." I nod as I scan the page and confirm what Annie has already stated. "I've never been to a party before. Wasn't much of a people person." I whisper.

Annie comes up and nudges me "Hey, we'll do this together." I force a smile and nod to her, even though my stomach is churning butterflies. Annie settles herself back on the couch and turns on the TV to watch reruns of Americas Top Model. "I see you met Johanna today." She calls, then let's out a long, hearty laugh. I bite my lip nervously. "Yeah she can be a bit of a character." She continues after she finished her laugh. I nod my head vigorously in agreement. "Don't worry, she's really a great person once you get to know her."

I nod politely then gather my things. I walk into my bedroom and place my books on the desk, then sit down and start reading the 20 page assignment for Science. I wouldn't want to be up until 2 in the morning again studying.


Authors Note:

Hey! Sorry this was a bit of a filler chapter; not as exciting. I'll try my best to get the next one up and running as soon as possible.

Please don't forget to comment and vote, and go check out my other fanctions!

Happy New Year!!!!

~ talishapeople

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