Chapter 2: Official Meeting

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Annie and I finish our drinks and those delicious cheese buns, then leave a tip and head back to our dorm. Classes start tomorrow and we have to get ready anyways. After getting back into our room I set out my books and clothes for tomorrow then slip under my warm covers. Annie does the same and climbs into her own bed. "It was nice meeting you today, Katniss. You seem like a nice person." I smile at this then whisper "You too, Annie." Then fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning I run around our apartment in a frenzy trying to get ready. I go to the mirror and braid my brown curls into a side braid. Grabbing a piece of toast fresh out of the toaster I shove it in my mouth then head out the door. I realize that I barely have any food, and will have to go shopping later today.

I walk out of the building and onto the street. I could drive, but the campus really isn't that far, and I need to get the fresh air before I go into class. After crossing a few streets and bumping into nervous first-day students such as I, I find the Science building. Running inside I look down the hall for the class 12B, Chemistry. Eventually I find it and peer through the window. There are a couple students there, but not to many.

I walk into class and take a seat towards the back. I start to pull out my pencil and such when my breath gets caught in my throat as I see who is sitting a few seats in front of me. The boy from the café. I put my head down and pray he doesn't see me. Our professor walks in from his office and begins lecturing the class. I take out a notebook and pencil and begin scribbling down what he says.

Suddenly I look up and my eyes catch with another pair of sparkling blue ones. The blonde dude is starring directly at me. "Turn around ." I mouth, signaling the front with my hand. He just snickers at me. "Is there a problem Miss Everdeen?" The teacher says, and my heart rate strikes up. "No sir." He nods and continues with class. The entire time the boy keeps turning around and looking at me. I decide to leave it alone as to not draw anymore attention to myself.

When class finally ends I practically leap out of my chair. I gather my stuff and walk outside to my car. "Wait!" A voice yells after me. I bite my lip and then turn around. "Can I help you?" I say. My eyes bulge when I see it's that same stupid boy. "Mind if I walk with you?" he asks, panting.

"Umm... go ahead?" I reply, my heart starting to race inside my chest. I'm pretty much the most anti-social person you will ever meet, and hate talking to people, but he seems like a pretty nice guy. He joins up with me and we begin walking back towards my apartment up the block."So. I'm Peeta Mellark." He says extending his hand. I shift the books in my hand and shake it firmly. "Katniss Everdeen." I reply. "Katniss." He whispers to himself as he closes his eyes and looks at the sky. The wind catches just enough to ruffle his blonde locks. "What a beautiful name." he says sincerely catching his blue orbs with my grey ones.

"Thank you." I say, blushing. We continue down the block in silence, past the other class buildings, until eventually we make it to my classic brick apartment building. "Well this is me." I say to Peeta. "It was nice meeting you." I'm about to go inside the lobby when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. "Wait." He says. I turn around and stare at him expectantly. He stutters for a moment. running a hand through his hair until he gains his composure. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He says, shifting weight on his feet.

My eyebrows raise. That is definitely not what I thought he was going to say. My heart starts racing and palms start sweating. "I don't even know you. For all I know you could be an axe murderer."

"There's always that chance." He says laughing.

"Err umm... Sure?" I reply. What in the world are you thinking Katniss? You don't even know this guy! A smile breaks across his face. "Is Friday good? I'll pick you up at 6:00 in the lobby." I nod and then he's off.

What in the world did I just do?

Authors Note: Sorry, really short filler chapter. Do you think Peeta is moving to fast?

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Until next time, May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

~ talishapeople

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