Twenty Four

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The amount of things I've accidentally broken with my scream has reached eleven

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The amount of things I've accidentally broken with my scream has reached eleven. Make that twelve.

"What's the use of having a supersonic scream if I break everything near me every time you scare me?" I complain for what feels like the hundredth time to Emmett.

The boy chuckles deeply. Meanwhile, Alice chucks a grape at my face. And with my newfound speed, I'm able to catch it before it hits. "You have a very special gift, Caroline. You should love it." This is the third tile today she's told me this. "We'll begin your training when Jasper returns from his hunt." She pauses. "Which will be now." Said boy speeds into the kitchen, pressing a quick kiss to Alice's cheek.

The pixie-like girl grabs my hand and drags me outside, Jasper and Emmet following after us. Rosalie already sits outside. Out of everyone - besides Jasper - I've spent the most time with her. We are able to understand one another. She never wanted to become a vampire. Carlisle saved her. Rosalie spent a lot of time resenting him for it, but realized he was only trying to help.

I never wanted to become whatever the hell I am. Granted, I am luckier than Rosalie. My heart still beats, I will still age, just very slowly. I will get to grow old and die.

Alice leads us deep into the woods, far enough away so I don't break the house windows. Jasper has me stand in front of a large tree. "I want you to break that tree and only that tree." I roll my eyes at him. It's easier said than done.

The others stand thirty or so feet behind us. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and scream. It's a loud and powerful scream, an invisible force disrupting the twigs on the ground and breaking branches off the trees in front of us. The tree still stands. Unbothered by my ability.

"You're not trying." I glare at the southern boy, who stares me down with a quirked brow. "Try again." I do. And the same thing happens. This goes on seven more times. And nothing ever changes. "Come on, Caroline, put some effort into it."

Growling, I push him against the tree, arm across his neck. Jasper merely smirks, which aggravates me even more. "I have been trying for the last hour, so don't you dare say I'm not putting any effort." The tree cracks from the amount of force I'm using to shove him against it.

"No, you're not trying." Jasper easily breaks out of my hold, twisting my arm behind my back. He pushes me away from him. "It's not about power or how loud you scream, it's about emotion."

I spin to face him and the others, who watch with amused faces. Their expressions anger me even more. "That's what this is about? You're trying to get me angry so it'll actually work?" I don't wait for anyone to respond.

The rage builds, boiling into a fury that has me seeing red. My mouth opens. I can vaguely hear the others reminding me to turn around before a scream tears out my throat. The tree explodes, splinters shooting in all directions.

I'm left stunned. It worked. It actually fucking worked.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Emmett throws me over his shoulders and begins jumping in circles. A laugh escapes my lips at his antics. He may be big and the strongest vampire here, but he's just a really large toddler.

Rosalie and Alice hug me when Emmett finally lets me go. Once finished, I turn to Jasper. He stands with arms crossed before grinning. "Congratulations, Caroline. You did it." He joins in on the embrace. "But we still have lots to practice."

"Oh, hush." Alice chides him. "We can wait until tomorrow."

"Besides." Rosalie looks at me and smirks. "Little Liner has a visitor."

The sound of a vehicle arriving at the house floods my ears. Curious, I sprint to the house, stopping in my tracks when I get there. A truck I'm all too familiar with sits in the driveway, the driver hopping out when he sees me.

Paul wraps me in his arms before I can react. It's not that he's too fast, I'm just too frozen to do anything. Paul seems to realize this and pulls away, grabbing my hands instead.

"Caroline." He glances me over, spending a long time on my eyes. They're the most noticeable change. "Wow, you look..."

"Hideous?" The word spews out before I can stop.

Paul immediately shakes his head. "Beautiful. Different, but beautiful." I can hear someone awing inside the house. "I wanted to come as soon as I heard what happened. I saw you in the hospital when it first happened, but then Dr. Cullen told me what happened and I couldn't think of you without thinking of whoever did this to you and getting angry. I didn't want to risk hurting you or anyone else. And then I got a call yesterday that you woke up and didn't want to see anybody, which I totally understand, but-"

His rambling stops when I rip my hands from his. "But you don't understand. You could never understand! I'm! We don't even know what I am. I'm unnatural. I didn't ask for this!" I don't even know why I'm yelling at him. Maybe because I hope it'll affect him, to push him away because I don't want him to have to deal with me. With whatever's wrong with me.

But I'm forgetting one thing. Paul knows me better than most. He knows my arguing tactics, and they don't bother him. "Yelling at me ain't gonna drive me away, sweetheart. Besides, you think I asked to be a wolf? I love it, and I love the pack, but I hated it for the longest time." He confesses. "Sam told me it would all be worth it when I imprinted, but I didn't want an imprint. I couldn't've cared less to meet my soulmate. Until I met you. And every day since then, I've praised the ancestors for making me a shifter.

"This, what happened to you, it's not a bad thing. You're not a monster. And I will be by your side as we figure out whatever the hell you are. Because I love you."

Somewhere in the house, I can hear a why don't you say anything like that to me? Followed by a because you're a pain in the ass. But I pay no mind to them.

My focus is on the boy in front of me. The boy I met eleven months ago. The boy I fell in love with. The boy I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"We can't have a normal life." I'm insinuating so much more than just me being half vampire.

"Neither of our lives were normal anyways."

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now