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"So, how does it work?"

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"So, how does it work?"

When I woke up this stormy Saturday, I was not expecting to find myself eating at the diner or sitting across from Paul Lahote. All I had really wanted to do was get my history essay out of the way, but I can work on that tomorrow.

I had been sitting at the kitchen table with my mother, doing the stretches Sue had given me. It's been four weeks since I started physical therapy. Last Friday, Dr. Cullen informed me I would still be needing to see Sue for at least the rest of the semester. I had made little progress, but I could bend my ring finger by will now.

It was only a few days after I saw Dr. Cullen that he and his family moved. Which was odd because he never mentioned planning on leaving Forks. No one seemed to be affected by their sudden absences. Well, except Isabella Swan. She sits at their lunch table all gloomy and stares at the spot where Edward used to sit. It's depressing and I feel bad for her. I had tried talking to her one day, but she walked straight pass me. Haven't bothered trying since.

Anyways, back to the Paul thing. I decided randomly while doing my stretches to message him. Thinking back on the stories Billy told, I had questions. I'm not close with Sam and after blowing up on her I doubt Emily would want to talk to me, Paul was the beet option. Plus, I want to be able to know him...this shapeshifter side of him.

"Is everyone in La Push a shapeshifter?"

Paul munches on his burger and shakes his head. "Sometimes the wolf gene skips a few generations. And there hasn't been a female wolf in like ever."

"When do you first shift? Is there like a special age?" I make sure to keep my voice quiet so the people around us don't hear.

Paul sets his burger down and glances around before leaning closer. "If you have the gene, it's activated by the presence of the Cold Ones. Usually you're around sixteen or seventeen, but Sam didn't shift til about a year ago."

"What are the Cold Ones?"

Paul's jaw tenses, but he doesn't appear angry. "They're these things. They were once human, but changed. They're pale, strong, and fast. And they feed on blood."

Feed on blood? "Are you saying the Cold Ones are vampires?" I find myself chuckling. Werewolves and now vampires. What else exists? Paul nods and sips his soda. "So, then there are vampires in Forks. Do you know who?"

Once again, Paul glances around to make sure no one is paying attention to us. "Do you know the Cullens?"


"You're telling me Dr. Cullen and his family are not actually family and instead are blood sucking creatures?" I ask Paul when we climb into his truck. Once he told me in the diner, I was too stunned to respond. "Wait, but Dr. Cullen is a doctor, he's surrounded by blood every single day. How has he not...you know."

Paul starts his truck but keeps it in park. "According to the elders, Dr. Cullen lived in Forks a long time ago. He made a treaty with the elders back then. They stay on one side, we stay on the other. The elders agreed because Cullen and his family only drink animal blood." Animal blood? Gross. "Guess he's managed to control his bloodlust. But they're all still disgusting blood suckers."

I don't blame him for detesting them, it must be natural. The whole werewolf v. vampire thing. He can't help but to despise them. Werewolves were created to protect the land. Vampires are controlled by their need for blood. Knowing this, I can't help but to look at the Cullens differently. I'm torn between liking them and hating them. They're good people, but they're vampires. Just because they drink animal blood now doesn't mean they always did. They've probably killed people, innocent people. They have their bloodlust under control, but for how long? How fast does it take for their craving of human blood to overpower them?

"I can't believe I've been going to school with them. Dr. Cullen stitched my arm. This entire time I've been surrounded by those-those bloodsuckers and I didn't even know." Who else in Forks is a vampire? Or some other supernatural creature?

"Don't worry, Caroline." Paul says to me. "You'll be okay. I won't let anything happen to you."

The sincerity in his voice shocks me. We've only know one another for a short amount of time, how can he make a promise like that? "Why do you care about me so much?"

He's surprised by my question, but recovers with a smirk. "Because you're hot."

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Whatever."

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now