Twenty One

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Temperature doesn't bother him anymore, but as Julian stands on a tree branch in the late May air, the slight breeze chills him to the bones

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Temperature doesn't bother him anymore, but as Julian stands on a tree branch in the late May air, the slight breeze chills him to the bones. Everything about this, about what he's about to do, makes his stomach churn in a way that has him wishing he could throw up.

"There has to be something else, someone else. Please, I don't want to do this." Julian begs fiery haired woman besides him. He knows it's useless, she won't listen to him. She won't listen to anyone. He feels pathetic. This woman drags him around and forces him to do anything she wants him to, and he can't do a thing about it.

Just like now.

Victoria wraps a hand around Julian's throat, slamming him against the tree. "You've seen it. I know you have." She sneers in his face. "Riley says you talk in your sleep." Julian gulps. Of course. He's been talking in his sleep ever since he turned, ever since he learned about his power. Dream scrying. He sees the future in his dreams. Julian hates it. From the moment he dreamed of what's about to happen, he's hated it. He wishes he had died. That Riley had killed him already. But Victoria says he's too important. "Do it."

Julian shakes his head rapidly. "It will ruin her life." Just like it did to mine.

Growling, Victoria releases him from her hold. "If you don't do it, I will." That sentence sends a spark down Julian's spine. He knows Victoria won't do it, he knows she'll kill her instead. He speeds in front of the older vampire, blocking her path with a hiss. Knowing he'd react this way, Victoria smirks devilishly at the boy. "What are you waiting for? I don't have all night."

Julian leaps off the branch, landing soundlessly on the grass. He stares at the house, lifting his head to glance at the second floor window directly above him. The lights are off. Same with the house behind him. He knows from his dream that only one person is currently sleeping in that home.

With one last pleading glance towards Victoria - who responded with another growl - Julian effortlessly jumps onto the windowsill. It's unlocked, they always are. Mrs. Rouse had told her daughter numerous times to lock her window. She never does. 

Julian can hear her soft breaths, see her chest rise and fall as she sleeps. With his improved eyesight, he can see every little detail of the three scars lining her arm. Julian leans over Caroline, halting when she stirs in her sleep.

Wake up. Please, wake up. She won't, he knows she won't. She won't wake up until he's left.

Taking a breath he no longer needs, Julian kneels to the floor. He slowly raises her right arm, lifting the flesh to his mouth. He tries not to let out a sob as he sinks his fangs into Caroline's wrist, directly on top of the scars.

He pulls away quickly, wiping her blood from his lips. His friend begins to whimper, and he knows he needs to leave. Pressing his forehead to hers, Julian whispers out an apology before jumping out the window.

"Is it finished?" Victoria questions when he returns. Even though they're a mile from the house, Julian can still hear her screams. They crush his soul, tear through his un-beating heart.


Y'all I debated this for weeks.

Side note: Timothée Chalamet popped up on my TikTok feed from freaking nowhere and I like why have I not known his existence before then?? Legit went from not knowing he existed to like not remembering what life was like without him 😂

Also totally know I used him as fc for Julian and TikTok is why

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